Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

This week I have been able to add three more birds to my life list and photo list. The first is a pair of Orchard Orioles. Not real good pics as these were made before sunup in the marsh. We came back by this Island latter but I could not spot them. First the female.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

Then the male.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

A Least Bittern

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

We see Black Vultures all the time. This is the first time I have seen a Turkey Vulture since I have been keeping track.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

The Local fresh water marsh is a beautiful sight this time of year. Here is a Great Blue Heron admiring all the beauty.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

And another

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

We may call themGreat but they look small compared to the Creator's garden.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

I was finally able to get a pic of a Green Heron in the sunshine. I have been trying it seems like forever but never had enough light.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

The marsh is an ideal place to find Red-winged Blackbirds.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Fantastic photos Frank!

WOWOWOW! And you are so right about the Creator's garden. Just beautiful!!!


Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

beautiful Frank
Angele congrats on the waxwings, they're amazing.
Poor little bird Jane, sure hope he makes it.
Had a first time bird today or first time I've seen one. A Magnolia Warbler. it's blurry a bit, but interesting with his necklace.

This message was edited May 22, 2008 7:49 PM

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Purple finches not getting along.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Love all birds! However, I do not love what they sometimes leave behind. Finches were perching on my iron gazebo today and left me lots of presents. Think I will need to lose the cushions from my chairs below..

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

We had this strange bird come by about 9pm last night! lol

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Male Cardinal

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Another new one for me today! A Red-eyed Vireo

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

A new water bird

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I have to comment on the great photo of the Least Bittern. I never noticed before, how similar its body shape is to the body shape of the Green Heron.
I have good news about the cardinal nest that I posted about 2 weeks ago. I was worried that the 2 babies left nest too soon. A Red Shouldered Hawk spent a lot of time perched on the back fence, listening for the chirping, since it knew the 2 babies were hiding out on the ground. I assumed that they got eaten. Well yesterday, one of the babies flew onto my lanai, hit the screen, and fell to the floor, dazed. I picked it up and released it to its anxious mom. I later saw both parents feeding it. So it looks as if at least one of the babies did make it. Its grown a tiny crest and it has a little red tail. So cute.

Marlton, NJ

Nice pics everyone!

Frank, Good one of the Green Heron!

Melbourne, FL

In awe of your beautiful pics Frank. Great work.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Fantastic pictures everyone. Very windy and cold here AGAIN today. Feels more like early March.

Do any of you folks know why Blue Jays and Woodpeckers are so attracted to Meow Mix dry cat chow? This morning, as happened yesterday, after I filled the dish on the front porch, a Red Bellied Woodpecker and Blue Jay alternated taking food from the dish and flying away with it. I have also seen Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers at the dish. (Of course, the camera is never within easy reach at these times.)

I am considering adding some chow to the backyard feeders.

These birds terrorize my little outside cat. He runs inside his house and cries! Actually, quite amusing. The birds found a cat that fears them! (Otherwise, he would not be at my house!)


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

GG, would be super funny to us bird geeks at least if you could get a picture of a CATbird eating the catfood.

I have to say that my first ever memory of birds were of the swallows dive-bombing my childhood cat. It was fun to watch. I'd like to see it again someday.

Beautiful pictures everyone. Jane I hope your W. Kingbird babies made it too.They are a very attractive bird.
gardenpom, cute youngster!
Nice Heron Adel, wonderful that you have such beautiful natural places so near.
Frank, just an exceptional set of photos!! Wow! The Least Bittern is a fave for me too.
Bsharf, wonderful news on your baby! yea!!
Burn, congrats on the Canada Warbler. What a neat bird!
Nanny!!! Another new one!! You are just having the best spring :-) That Red-eyed Vireo is fantastic!
GG it is so windy here I had to take the nectar down from the tree and brought my potted plants indoors. Two more days of wind are forecast so I doubt I will be taking any pictures. A poor thrasher was struggling to keep his footing yesterday. He got blown sideways about a foot but stayed upright! I wish I had birds that ate cat food. I have several bags that my kitty has turned her nose up to. Heehee Mrs_Ed, it is nice when birds show the kitties who is boss!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I mistakenly thought burn's warbler was a Canada warbler, Resin ID'd it as a Magnolia warbler. I used to live up that way, and I sure do miss the warblers. They're spectacular this time of year.
I spent too much time at work yesterday trying to get a picture of a vireo, all I got was this catbird!

Thumbnail by claypa
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Common Yellowthroat...right?/

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

he's a bandit!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Sorry..forgot to resize last pic.

Indigo Bunting still not a good one!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Male & Female Red-bellied Woodpeckers

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I forgot to bring in my saucer type oriole feeder last night, so the raccoons broke it, darn it. Oh well I still have the buffet table. :(

Nice cardinal this morning

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

House Finch looking pretty in a tree!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Marlton, NJ

Very nice pics nanny!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Common Yellowthroat...right?/



Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I don't know who this is and figure it can't be ID'd and it is really not very good at all...I just like the look of it.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

That's ME with my bad neck.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

A flycatcher of some sort, not sure of the species, but possibly Eastern Phoebe. The forked tail is a bit odd, most of the flycatchers have a square-ended or only very slightly notched tail.


Marlton, NJ

I knew my Blue Jays were eating suet this time of year but I just watched one

eating suet from the Upside Down feeder!! What a funny sight!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I've been trying to get a picture of this pretty boy for several days. They turn out either blurry or grainy. Today I finally got him! This was taken from behind a curtain in my bedroom. I couldn't believe how well this one turned out. YEAH!!!


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

The Red Shouldered Hawk is back this evening looking for the baby Cardinals

Thumbnail by bsharf
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I asked it nicely to go eat someone else's baby birds.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, great pics everyone!
Bsharf - love that Red Shouldered Hawk! Why do they always want to eat the pretty birds? I guess they're not as scary as the grackles!
GG, you take great pics in the rain! My rain shots are always blurry. I was jealous too b/c we were having record heat.
Frank, great shots and congrats on the new birds. Love that Green Heron!
Beehive, lots of fun things in your neighborhood!
Angele, great Cedar Waxwings.
Jane, hope the baby makes it.

Not much going on here. Rigged the feeder to be rat proof which also made it White-winged Dove proof. I felt so sorry for them that today, I tried to rig a special feeder just for them. They fought each other like crazy over it. Feathers were flying. It was quite disturbing.

Thumbnail by Elphaba

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