I confess!!

Kalimna, Australia

As Salvia _girl is away on a short holiday I took the liberty to join her up as I found this such a great site and I'm sure she will agree when she gets back to her computer.
I guess she's wondering why I've taken such a sudden interest in her garden, but I'm so proud of her efforts as you've probably guessed. When she says dig here I say "How deep" but I suppose that's a help.
Not only does she love her gardening but she is always learning a new craft as I'll show you in the next picture, She produced this wonderful mosaiced rooster, certainly not overnight.
Thank you Dave for your excellent garden (site) on behalf of my Darlin',
Yours etc. Fella.

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Coffs Harbour, Australia

OMG, what a nice DH you are! You'll make all of us girls with uninterested DH's jealous!
My DH digs holes too, but he stops at about 12" and says, "Thats deep enough" LOL.
I just read him your post and he reckons your after brownie points! Nothing wrong with that says I! Make sure you stick around and keep our DHs updated on how to get in our good books!
Good one fella!
Oh, forgot to say, that is one excellent mosaic!

This message was edited May 19, 2008 5:50 PM

Merino, Australia

Oh boy, that sure is one lucky girl.
My hubby calls all plants weeds. But let a visitor arrive and he will proudly show everyone 'OUR' garden
He will dig holes but comments on why do I need another hole.
He has learnt not to query when I suggest I need another shadehouse though and will oblige by building it so I guess all our men have their good points in the garden area.
Keep up the good work Fella.

What a dear hubby you are ...mine thinks gardens are secret womens business and knows nothing of cyber thingies ...love the Rooster, keep holding the fort while your darling is gone and give yourself a pat on the back.

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