What should I plant right now?

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I have just picked all my bush beans and dug all my potatoes, so that leaves me 4 40 ft rows that I need to plant something at this date. I currently have cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers growing and am fixing to plant okra in one of these rows this coming week. Any ideas for hot summer growth on the Texas gulf coast? Should I let the soil rest until the fall plantings?


Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

How about blackeye peas or some other type of southern pea? Watermelons? Yummy. I'd most likely put a little mulch over a row seeded in the heat so as to keep it damp for germination.

Winter squash, pumpkins, eggplant, peppers.


Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

thanks for the suggestions.........appreciate it............

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You might be able to plant some more cucumbers. Perhaps an early maturing cantaloupe.

I really need to get in the habit of doing a staggered planting of beans and cucumbers. For example planting about 1/3 of my beans and cucumbers every 2 weeks, so I will get an extended harvest. I planted all my bush beans and cukes at once but a bit later than you, so I'm still at the middle of my harvest.

Actually I am curious that your cucumbers are already petered out. Were they a bush variety? Perhaps a climbing variety -- my favorite is Poona Kheera but seeds are hard to come by -- with a longer harvest period?

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Okra. It loves hot weather

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I am just now beginning to pick cucumbers, only the beans and potatoes are completely done for. The beans were getting fried in the garden even though we were watering daily. The rainfall just doesn't get down here very often cept'n in tropical weather
(only 12 days away). Still canning tomatoes and potatoes. Next comes the pickles, oh, don't forget the plums that are dropping on the ground. that means jelly. For the past 2 years we planted cantalope but the critters enjoyed it more than we did. So the vines that came up this year were strickly volunteers. I guess I may have about 6 vines, that's plenty for the 2 of us. I did scatter some herb seeds (celantro) in the rows that are vacant and am planning to plant okra maybe thursday. One year I tried to plant cucumbers in May but did not have much luck as the heat was too much for them.

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