Dutchman's breeches & trillium sessile

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I can find what kind of soil and growing conditions for these plants but not "how deep" to plant each. Can anyone tell me planting depths?


Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I don't have Dutchman breetches, but I do have squirrel corn and they are not terribly deeply rooted, the 'corn' be just a bit below the soil. Trilliums, on the other hand, will root quite deeply, the bulb or corm being sometimes up to 8 inches below the soil.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Trillium nivale is the only one that seems to prefer a bit of lime that I know of. Most do well in deep,rich, neutral to acid soils.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)



Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I have several trilliums and dutchman's breeches. You can almost see the bulbs at the top of the ground onmy dutchman's breeches.

so theirnot deep at all. The dirt is hard also, in the woods but hard . I'm thinking of transplanting it to softer soil, it drops seed also and babies pop up the next year, bulbs spread also. plant does't last long when it does start to immerge out of theground, it blooms then the whole plant goes dormant. This is info for my dutchman's breeches.

the trilliums are in several places, and are quite deeper than the dutchman's breeches. probably 3 inches at least below the soil.

I think they need moister soil , cause they don't spread too much. the soil is hard, if I don't water frequently

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I put the dutchman's breeches on top of the potting mix then barely dusted them with more on top. The trillium I potted up to where the stems went from white to green. I'm holding them in the greenhouse since I still don't have that promised sprinkler system.


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