CLOSED: strange new bird with grosbeak-like bill

Harris, MN

Saw a pair of new birds today that look very much like female rosebreasted grosbeaks. But it was two that looked alike that stayed together like a couple. Black cap with thin white stripe going back from beak. White streak right above eye. Light white half ring under eye. Back a brownish with dark stripes going down back from neck. Chest buffy with marked black streaking, esp on side of chest. One had like a thin black collar under neck. Chest turns lighter going down underside. Brown wings with a little bit of white barring. Thick grosbeak bill a light pinkish tan. About 6-7 inches, at least twice the size of a chipping sparrow. Sitting at bird feeder, very calm and comfortable. Stayed quite a while. Would 2 female rosebreasted grosbeaks buddy like that?

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, I had my female grosbeaks hang out together. And then the males showed up too.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed

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