CLOSED: Help.. can you tell me what this bird is?

Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

Found this bird in my backyard. Cannot find parents. Have watched all day. Do you know what it is and what do I do with it. There are lots of cats around here that I have distracted with 8 cans of tuna. No more tuna. Don't know what to do now.

Thumbnail by diason
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Carolina Chickadee.

If it is so tame as to allow you to pick it up, try perching it in a shrub out of reach of the cats. Its parents will be somewhere nearby, waiting for you to move away!


Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

Resin... you are WONDERFUL!!!
Thank you so much!
Take care!

Onalaska, WI

Well considering your location I would agree with Resin, however, in my neck of the woods we refer to the same bird as a black capped chickadee. If you google both the Carolina and the black capped chickadees you'll see what I mean. I hope you check it out. Have a great weekend.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Luv2, in the area where Diason is, they are carolina chickadees. There is some area where they overlap though. You can see that the carolinas don't have the white bar on the wing.

Edited to say, DUH, that's what you said already!!!

This message was edited May 18, 2008 9:20 PM

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