Church Meadow Gardens to feed the Hungry Needs...

Clinton, MA(Zone 5a)

Hello there,
We are planting a 100x50' garden to provide fresh vegetables and fruit to the regions largest food pantry, serving 8 communities. In addition we will be growing all types of herbs with an emphasis on Culinary varieties. Companion planting and organic garden are designed into the plan and, starting this week...the plot will be ready to rake into beds and sow seeds (having the volunteer members plant carrots and parsnips-radishes to mark the row-with chives and onions to start, followed immediately by beets, rutabagas, turnips, and yet more radishes. We will be planting over 100 tomato plants and about half that many bell pepper plants of all colors. In addition, pole and bush beans that can be snapped and eaten fresh are going to go into the gournd shortly, along with cukes-except for picklers-summer bush squash and zucchini along with other summer squash varieties if they are available, and we will be growing a lot of winter squash-except pumpkins. The Cole crops will be planted, but not en masse as many of the clients don't really know what do with anything other than cabbage---I can't figure that one out, but ok. Lots of onions will be planted too along with as many herbs as possible, annual flowers of any and all types, a perennial border of 2 ft around the entire 100x50' rectangle. And, yes..we get full sun, all day! Is cantalope or musk melon an optioin for Zone 6 and is it too late to plant them?

Anyway, we are appealing to anyone and eveyone who has seeds, cuttings, corms, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, small starts especially appreciated leftover from planting to please send whatever seeds you can to me Thor Montgomery. Please contact me here or, better still, at this Email address which I check throughout the day: If you have any gardening supplies to send, such as peat pots small hand tools, veggie fertilizer, water-absorbing polymer, or rooting hormone powder, liquid, or gel can be written off as tax deductions. WE ESPECIALLY NEED DRIP IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, RED ROW COVERING WITH THE NEEDED STAPLES AND 4.5 FOOT WIDE BLACK SHEET MULCH AND STAKES OR STAPPLESt AND-with postage included-CAN BE A DEDUCTION. Whatever can be given can be issued, by Email, a special receipt with the value of the donation listed on it along with the Church Information and Tax-ID information.

So, anything you can do...I know it's late in the year to be making this request, but we did get started a bit late-ok, alot late-but we are planting now and the (not what I really wanted due to the lack of far-end water pressure) soaker hose irrigation will be ready mid week. Please keep us in mind, as we had terrible success with our early herb plantings so we have to start from seed, so starts would be super, or whatever things you have available which we can use, especially veggies listed above, cantalope if you think it stands a chance, and any herbs....annual and perennial flowers. Thanks so very much; let me know if you can assist us!!

Gratefully Yours,
Thor Montgomery

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