feral hogs

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thought this might be interesting to those on the islands. Texas is fighting the same problem as is much of the South.

GILMER, Texas (AP) - Broad areas of grazing land at Pete Gipson's East Texas farm bear plow-like scars. But it's no out-of-control mechanical device that's left the ruts and holes in his fields.
He and other ranchers and farmers in Texas and the South are waging an uphill battle against herds of voracious feral hogs.
The 3-foot-tall, 400-pound beasts devour feed intended for livestock and tear up pastures at Gipson's 300-acre Red Cap Farms in their incessant search for food.
They show little respect for traditional barriers like barbed wire fencing, which merely acts as backscratchers for their hairy leathery hides.
The population of Texas wild pigs now tops two million and continues to explode thanks to high reproductive rates and few natural predators.
The Texas AgriLife Extension Service estimates the hogs cause $50 million in damage each year.
But the answer may be coming from a lab at Texas A&M University. That's where a team of researchers is testing an oral contraceptive for the hogs and other pests. It may even become applicable for pets like cats and dogs.
The contraceptive has been in development for about a year and a half. It's now available in capsule form and has been fed to captive pigs at the university's research facility.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

And how do they expect for the feral hogs to take this oral contraceptive? LOL!

If they can put the medicine out in feed where they know they will get it, it might be one thing......but capsule form.....????????

Definately something needs to be done! They are vicious and can do alot of damage!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Now remember, Jeanne, this is coming from Texas A&M. They can do anything. (in italics). I think they are the ones that have been trying to sterilize houseflies for about 40 years now.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh, I forgot, THEY can do ANYTHING! LOL!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

It is sad!!! We see it here, too. For universities, the important part is getting the $$$ for the Research. Whether there are results or not...the REASEARCH keeps the 'machine' running!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Texas A&M has little trouble getting all the money they need and more. Hopefully they will come up with a solution. Have friends that live in East Texas and they lock their dogs up at night (in the house).

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The problem is that they are only interested in the RESEARCH...to keep their university full of graduate students etc.....whether they come up with viable solutions is another issue...usually ignored!!! We are very involved with the biodiesel area...and need to grow enough crop to perform some tests. The University wants grant money to RESEARCH where they will grow best...and how - a 2 year study. Jatropha is a weed....we know where it will and will not grow.... Cheech!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Did anyone else catch the History Channel program on the feral pigs in Texas this evening (well, by now last evening for you all). I think it was called Monster Quest. They were saying that there isn't a County in Texas that isn't being overrun, and the hogs, as Texans call them, are causing over 5 million dollars a year in damage in that state alone. They are huge!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

There is no season for hunting wild hogs. Anytime, any place. Even though Dallas County + Tarrant County, the DFW area has 5 million people, it still has lots and lots of rural areas. Texas is mostly vacant land with a big city here and there.
Not surprised that the hog population is everywhere. Will check the listings and see if it is going to be shown again.

Hi, Jen.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We have the hogs here in MO also and the law is the same for hunting also. No season, year round, the more the merrier!!

Port Saint Lucie, FL(Zone 9b)

pigs taste good. im not a big pork eater but wild hog is good. just take a pack of pit bulls and a rifle and head out early one morning with a local red-neck guide. thats how you get them in florida.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

My little bitty neighbor stopped by early one morning and told me while walking her dog, she had seen "something between a pig and the Devil" running toward her in the greenbelt behind our houses. She was actually shaken. Turned out it was a feral hog and the people in the office building down the hill were not only feeding it, but had named it, and made it a little statue. Someone called the Extension Agent and they brought out a huge trap. The ofc workers had a fit! Said the pig did no harm and was like a pet...to them. Only way I know this is I was in Master Gardener classes, and a gal came to talk to us about "living with wildlife" in the area. She told the story of the pig. But she also told the story of the wild turkey on Ben White that they had tried to trap, but the office workers there protested that he wasn't doing any harm...just pecking at the windows thinking his reflection was an intruder. Then they got a call a few weeks later......the turkey had taken up residence in the parking lot and was "roosting" on various cars, scratching the finish... Now they were ready to get rid of the cute turkey! So much for loving the wildlife!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Feral pigs are very dangerous. Not of the pet variety at all.

Volcano, HI

Guys......Have friends who live in Fern Forest who
will come and pig hunt for you with their quarry of
dogs and knives only. Let me know if you need this
and I'll give you Isaiah's number. They have helped
me immensely ridding my pig problems in Volcano.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

HMMM, have wild pig, will hold luau. You guys go hunt the pig, I'll dig the traditional hawai'ian pit oven and Gail will make ribbon leis. HHHMMM, LLLUUAAUUU..., drooling à la Homer Simpson. Could someone please pass the poi?

All kidding aside, wild or feral pigs are causing untold damage in many parts of the world. The pattern is always the same: man introduces a species into a hospitable environment with few or no predators and those introduced species end up taking over. South Florida is rife with introduced species of plant and animal life that took over long ago. Hey, there's even a polar bear living in Delray Beach. Let's keep this between us; the neighbors suspect nothing.

Take care, all.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

JJ - is that YOU? Former MG?

I would love to give the name of your friend to a friend of mine...hundreds of dollars worth of trees/plants dug up....Here in Orchidland.


Volcano, HI

yes me.....still a MG according to Andrew who just sent me
my certification for 2008.....

Met another pig hunter who will help. His name is Junior
and lives in Nanawale. Says to call him at Hilo Propane
and ask him to come take care of your pig problem.....
uses only knives and dogs (gun only in case of huge monster

Hilo Propane's number is : 961-0089, ask for Junior.....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Cool, JJ! I will give it to my friend....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah! Another DG connection for solutions!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)


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