Salvia Query

Kalimna, Australia

I have heard about S rhyacophila and I'm wondering if anyone out there knows anything about this salvia?

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Annette may know. I haven't heard of it. Do you know anything about it?? Have you seen this site before?:

She has a good catalogue with pix. Hope you find it and if/when you do - please share your info!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

I did a bit of Googling and found this at the ABC site:

"The leaves of Chia Salvia rhyacophila can be eaten in a salad as well as the seeds, which are high in protein and crunchy like poppy seeds. The leaves and seeds are an energy boost."

You may know that info already. Might try a herb site???

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

This site has the seeds for sale:

Listed as Chia. Sounds interesting might be worth a try.....

Kalimna, Australia

I've been doing some workshops at Northey street city farm in Brisbane. I was browsing a herb book there and had written down the name, S Rhyacophila which sounded very interesting. At a workshop yesterday one of the teachers said they had the plant in their nursery. I went and looked at it and will buy one next week when I go again, Their site is
In the mean time I will contact Sue Templeton about it.
Kate the teacher at the farm raves over it's energy boosting properties.
Attached is my Salvia madrensis

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Gorgeous!!! What's the red in front? Tequila?? I was thinking about getting a madrensis but have to find the part shade room for it still! Nice to have yellow! Great to have another salvia lover on board! Let me know how you get on with the rhyacophila. It sounds interesting. k

Loving the red and yellow combination ...lovely happy colours.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

How lucky are you to have a nice Fella?
I have a customer with alot of Salvias, and I think she has the same yellow one. Its huge and has all but taken over her mixed salvia bed. I will try to get some pics next monday to show you?
I , myself, don't know alot about salvias at all! I got a couple of cuttings from said customer and they are in bud now, and appear to be a beautiful, large pink/cerise flower.
I'll get a pic of them too. You might be able to tell me what I've got
How exciting to have a new face in the forum!
P.S I like Mexican Sage and the Annual Purple/blue salvias!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Looks like you have Salvia leucantha Sue. Fair warning - Salvias can be quite addicting!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Khopton, thanks for that ID. I've had this one for a few years now and have just chopped it back again. What IS the right time to do that? I do it as soon as the flowers fade.
This is the pink one thats almost out. Do you know this one?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Not too sure. How big is the plant?? The bloom looks very similar to my Salvia involucrata x karwinskii. My pink blooms are just about to open. It's meant to be a couple of metres high and be an Autumn to Spring bloomer. If not, then I'd need more photos/info. I don't claim to be a Salvia expert but I'm working hard on it since I love them so much!!!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Sue - my other thought for your Salvia ID; if it's on the smallish side, maybe it's Salvia spathacea 'Hummingbird Sage'. It only gets about 30cm high. I have a bloom on that one too at the moment.

As for cutting back; depends on which Salvia it is and when it blooms. I always deadhead my microphyllas and greggiis because they will bloom again. Hard cutbacks are usually after their season of flowering occurs. My leucanthas are just about to be cut back hard because they've been in bloom for a couple of months and are fading. I can also see new shoots at ground level. I have a booklet on Salvia care that I refer to if I'm in doubt. If you have a specific question about a particular Salvia, I'll see what info I can find in there and pass it along. Generally though, I find Salvias to be pretty forgiving!! k

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Khopton, My plant is only quite small, all though the leaves are medium to large. I took a cutting in Spring when I was pruning at a customers, so can't remember which plant it came off, but her mixed Salvia bed is a giant hodge podge anyway, and very hard to see whats going on. I'll get a pic of it on Monday, because she has, (I think) The same yellow Salvias as Salvia-Girl
I did take a pic of the bush when i did the flower buds, so here tis.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Salvia Rhycophylla excuse the spelling is a superior form of salvia hispanica in my humble opinion, they are both annuals and the seed is high in omega 3 which is edible.I have grown both, seeds are plentiful.

Salvia Flowers of this one.

Cheers Annette

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