Wild Ginseng and Goldenseal

Lyles, TN

Hello all, I just posted new pics of wild Ginseng and Goldenseal for those who are interested. They are on the "plants" page.

La Porte, IN(Zone 5A)

Nice pics. I have ginseng that I started out approx 15 years ago from seed. The plants are doing great and I just love having them. Everyone who sees them has to know 'What are those plants with the red berries?' I've shared a few with some fellow gardeners over the years, but most people don't have great success with them. I have some in morning sun with a real high Oak canopy and they love it. I wish there was more interest in this plant and not just for the sale of the roots. As we speak, the leaves are turning different shades of red along with the bright red berries, they're hard to beat.

Lyles, TN

Dan~ Do you know the name of the variety? Ginseng here doesn't ever get red on the leaf, turns from green to a clear yellow.

La Porte, IN(Zone 5A)

Ivey, the plants that get a little sun do change their leaf color. I have them in complete shade and they do go from green to yellow, but I have some in my lower garden that get some sun (of course I baby them) and they are beautiful right now. Some day I'll figure out how to send a pic to show you. The changing leaf color and the big ball of bright red seeds is something to see.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Where did you get the seeds? Are they available in seed catalogs?

Lyles, TN

Janet~Seeds are available, roots too. Roots bought small, 2-3 yrs old, and grown out will give you usable Ginseng quicker. They usually will be 5-6 yrs old at least when harvested.
has plants (roots).

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Thanks Ivey. I'm always on the lookout for shade plants and so much the better if they're unusual or useful.

Lyles, TN

JanetR~ What will you trade me for 6 plants (rhizomes) of Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis? These are 4 yrs old, do well in all or nearly all shade.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Ivey, I'm in Canada and shipping plants across the border can sometimes be tricky apparently. And according to a thread in the International Trading forum, shipping seeds to the States is about to get very difficult too.

Thank you very much for offering.

I'm studying on a report's ginseng and I need informations and experimentations about relationship that exist between stress and ginseng.I would need a specialist would could guide me.I would be really greatful
thank you.

Eagle Point, OR

A member of the ginseng family, Aralia californica, grows wild in this area. Does anyone have any info on this plant?

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