Another noID

Tomah, WI

Another dwarf with noID. Any ideas? Thanks, Becky

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Tomah, WI

Yet another, this one is very short only 6-7 inches tall. It is actually more dark burgundy purple(in the sunlight) than black. I'll leave this to the experts. Thanks AGAIN, Becky

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

The blue is very cute. I wish I knew who it is, but I don't.

There are LOTS of dark purple SDBs similar to the one in your pic. It'd be easiest to just keep growing that one as an unknown.


Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Okay the blue might possibly be Tinkerbell by G. Douglas 1954 13" E, SDB. Standards are medium blue; falls dark blue with a white beard.

Mine bloomed for the first time this year and came from Iris City. Here is a pic.

Thumbnail by Mainer

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