CLOSED: mixed bag of morning glory seeds....

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I have a mixed bag of morning glory seeds and will never use them all.... Any one interested??? I have no idea what color the seeds are!!! you will have to take what I send... Im looking for shade plants.. Maybe part sun. But nothing full sun. 10 seeds per plant. wanna make any deals??? Would love to trade with you.... Im in zone 5. Thanks for reading, Ronna.

Hiawatha, KS(Zone 5b)

I have hostas to trade. I don't know what kind they arte or what color the blooms.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello there strawberry_gram!!! Thanks for the reply... Im really full of hostas but if you would like some morning glory seeds I would love to send you some... Im in the same boat not sure about the colors or nothing.... Just let me know okay??? Thanks again, Ronna

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome to DG!

You both might want to head over to the seed trading and plant trading forums with your MG seeds and hosta plants... and take a moment to read the Trading Primer, since you're new (there's a link at the top of both trading forums).

Strawberry, if you can take a photo of your hostas to post with an offer to trade, I'll bet you get some interest whether or not you know the names.

Gardenlady, unless you're dealing in really rare seeds, you'll find that most trades tend to be seeds for seeds or plants for plants. But it's good to get creative with trade offers... if you're looking for shade plants and don't have other plants to trade, you might see if people are willing to trade for other things... I've seen swaps arranged for homemade soaps and other crafts, books, DVDs, even cookies.

DG started with trading, and I think it's still where a lot of the fun is here, so check out those trading forums. :-)

Hiawatha, KS(Zone 5b)

Gardenlady, I would love to have some of your seeds. I could send a self addressed postage paid envelope to you. Let me know.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

thanks critterologist... I have done many trades on the trading forum... I will perhaps go to the seeds forum thanks for the tip... i have done a trade for some homemade soaps already... Many plants also. Ronna

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! And I'm sorry... somehow, when I clicked on your member page, I thought it said you'd signed up *this* spring not last year... so I gave you all sorts of advice you didn't need! Thanks for not taking offense. :-)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

thats fine!!! appreciate the help! Ronna

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