Hot off the press.....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

In the taxonomy world there have been some changes.... All Michelias are now Magnolias and Clerodendrum incisum is now Rotheca incisa family Lamiaceae. I met someone who is on top of this and am madly changing all my labels!!!!!


Keaau, HI

I now have a banana magnolia! Michelia figo = Magnolia figo.
Wow. Clerodendrum is now in the mint family (the stems are square).

Just wait till the next doctoral student in Botany needs to publish a monograph.
The entire descriptive world around us could change overnight in the publish or perish atmosphere of academics.

Thanks Carol, can you cite a reference for these changes?

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Only John Mood who lives up the Hamakua Coast. He is pretty exact in his taxonomy....has collected and published a number of aroids and gingers.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

How interesting Carol,
as you know I'm an avid Clerodendrum collector...thanks

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

More the reason to follow my lead----a yellow flower, red flower, white flower, all green foliage...sorry, for being sarcastic. I will never be able to learn all of the particulars. If it blooms and lives, I am one happy camper.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I try for basics and give up on cultivar names. Iris-purple/ yellow non varigated leaves. Good enough for me!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

as Yoda said in Star Wars...You will my dear...You will...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OK..I hear you loud and clear. But when you are like me (and Randy and....????), being moderately OCP it helps when discussing your passion (be it Cleros or Iris) to be precise with the other fellow/fellaw. There is so much information in the botanical name - information that identifies it without question. So...when trading, for instance, you can give the other person the exact name and not run the risk of sending something they already have OR receiving a common yellow whatsits for the 10th time.

I hold no judgements around this at all. Everyone can do what they want. But for me it is like calling my son 'boy' when he really has a name. Guess it was my mother...i was brought up calling everything by the botantical name...just a habit.

My only problem with it is that when discussing plants, i realize how very little I know very quickly!!! Which sends me off to Google.!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Didn't intend to disparage. I fully understand the need for all of the exact precise descriptions. Just another excuse for my being lazy.

Thinking of you.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I mainly get very concerned when names are changed because of the medicinal use of so many plants. In the conversion from folklore to modern use, all the various changes of botanical names can cause serious problems. Especially when the Family or Species changes! We are talking some serious changes in the efficacy of the treatment! I try to keep up with names for this reason, if for no other.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Too much for me to remember....I'm with you Christi!

At least if I need to know, I have a whole bunch of friends that are "well informed" and up to date! Thanks to all of you who do keep up on it all!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree, Jeanne. I wouldn't even know where to start.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Interesting point Shari, I wouldn't have thought of that.

In old botanical books Michelia is also called "Southern Magnolia". I wonder if that is what it used to be known as, then was changed, and now is changed back again, or if it was just a nickname that we now find is correct?


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Jenny! I think the old nickname reflected the then current botanical name...which has changed over the years...look at amaryllis, hippeastrum etc...constantly changing.

I never worry about the pactitioners making a mistake, its people who are trying to learn, from a distance. This is where the difference in names can cause problems. I have a friend who is teaching a class in North Dakota from out here via her nieces computer skill. They were trying to find a scanner so that they could send pictures of the plants, rather than rely on names which differ from country to country and from moment to moment!! But even pictures can be misleading...its a very hand's on labor intensive learning process.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey guys, while I have you together, this is through my window where I am sitting right now. Everything is growing like wild!

Thinking of Carol. Does anyone have a contact?


As always, OT.

This message was edited May 16, 2008 3:52 PM

Thumbnail by LouC
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

oh wow..fabulous Christi! It's truly turning into a we have to name it!

Shari's so funny because, one of the reasons I know any of these names is that Wayne at Zone9 doesn't know common names, he only knows scientific names..So you should see Laurel and Hardy trying to communicate what plant we were just holding in our hands a second ago. After he's repeated the name a half dozen times starts sticking with me.

Anyone heard updates on Carol? Ironically today is the day her package arrived with all sorts of lovely Carol goody plants in them. I was busy potting and planting this morning!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

You are definately on the "Jungle Track" Christi! Lookin good!

I went to Lowe's Wed and they were clearing out distressed plants so I got several things, so my "Jungle" is growing also! I got several ivey's, hot pink angel wing begonia, star jasmine, two zebra plants, african violet, a wispy looking palm, alot of things I don't know what are, but are very pretty, and this white orchid. I also bought a rosy pink mandevilla, a money tree, draceanas, and 4 tropical hibiscus, two red, and two yellow, one single, and one double.Most everything was $1.00 each, some $.75, some $.50. I paid reg price for the mandevilla, oh and a red canna.

I'll be OT with you Christi! haha!

This message was edited May 16, 2008 4:21 PM

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The EE that gets really big ears on it has two blooms. That's a first for me. Is there a way to propagate from the bloom/seed?

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! Jeanne. I have had my beds expanded twice already this spring and going to have to add more. You and I will soon have no grass. YAY!!!!

My Lowe's is too far away. whaaa.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

wow..good deal Jeanne.

There's the precious Chester!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

He's been asking about you, Randy.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi, the garden is looking gorgeous, and how much Chester has grown!

Wow, Jeanne! What a score!

Carol's operation is set for this morning, it's now 11.50 am, hopefully she is out of surgery by now. She said she would post as soon as she felt up to it...

Back to work....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Really? I feel so cared for ...tell Chester I'll see him soon.

We'll all be waiting to see how miss Carol fares!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Carol, we're thinking of you and missing you! GET WELL SOON!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Beautiful garden jungles both of you! Nice haul Jeanne! Chester is such a cutiepie!

I am trying to teach myself both names. Some I only know botanical, some only on my markers I put both, and repeat them as I go through dead heading or watering. Then lo and behold the powers that be go and change things on me!!! AAARGH! Oh well, keeps things interesting.

Jenny - some of the names on the brugs have blurred off from the moisture in the box...I'll make a list of what I can read, and maybe you could fill in the rest??? I still can't thank you enough!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Shari,

Sorry about the blurred labels, I did put quite damp packing in the box to help keep them fresh. Hopefully I can remember what I cut!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine are all in-ground already. Tomorrow I can copy the labels for you. Did we get similar things, Jen? Don't really care if we did or didn't, just wondering if I could help with the labels.

Apparently, we don't have a contact for Carol. Wish we had set one up before she left.

I know she is ok. I just want someone to confirm it. She's probably out of it tonight.

It is 9:30 for me and I'm going to bed.

Nighty night, sweethearts. All of you.

LouC aka Princess Kilikina aka Christi aka Christi Lou aka xxxxxx

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jenny, do you know what hospital she is in. Do you think she would like flowers? I'm always hesitant about that, because I hate to see them die, but love seeing their bright faces in an otherwise cheerless room...whadayathink??

I'm so worried about my cherokee, I forgot to right down the labels on the new ones...I'll get right on that.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


I know Carol is in Queens Hospital, but she didn't expect to be in for long and then she is off to a friends house on Oahu for a week or so for some rest. She told me that the Dr's were encouraging her to walk after she got out of the hospital, and she has picked a beautiful spot to do just that.

If we haven't heard from her by the begining of the week, I will e-mail Jennifer (Bob's daughter)to see if she has any news....

I don't know about the flowers, my guess is that Carol would prefer something that was living (and that she could take cuttings from!). I am going to send her a note to her home as I don't have the address where she is staying for this next week. Hopefully she will be feeling well enough to be checking in soon...I have been thinking of her, as I am sure you all have too.

Still having Cherokee troubles, Shari?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning.

Jenny, as soon as you have any news or trail to Carol please let us all know.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, at least I know she will be getting great care. Queens has always been marvelous for personal care and attention...but you need to be careful. Anyone that says "bless you" if they hear you sneeze, will then be sending you a rather large bill. DH was in there for gall bladder surgery many years ago, and I couldn't believe that the bill listed $32.00 for a box of kleenex!!!!! Needless to say, we did some negotiating on that one.

Jenny - I posted on the Brug forum as you suggested, and I'm getting quite a bit of advise. The others are looking good so far! Of course Cherokee looks good too, just doesn't want to bloom.

Wonderful day everyone!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

One of these days I will write a story about the surgery from: Ti Leaf taped to the door to the Operating Theaters from PreSurgery because someone had seen a ghost there to- No Hot Water to - being served Milk with every meal (I am lactose intolerant and made that clear) - to not being understood by a nurse that my IV needed changing, it was pouring into my hand which was swelling up (my Tagalog is really thready) would have been wonderful at Queens....Kaiser is there to make money...which is obvious!!! However...I AM 'done' and I am home and mending just fine!!!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Another trick of theirs is to bill you for a single room, even if you declined a single room. They've charged me everytime..
I ask for an itemized bill. I don't care how much my insurance is paying. We'll end up paying in the long run with increased premiums.
You'll be aghast when you see the bill. 12.00 for 1 pill, 67.00 for a's astonishing.
Ironically - Twice now, they have dismissed my detuctible after I asked and received the itemized bill...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

BEFORE the dirty deed I will check with everybody. Am on Medicare and the Medigap is AARP through United Health Care. Do doubt will still cost a fortune.

Really don't care, if they can just stop this constant, contant pain in my butt.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I know it's not funny, but what a statement Christi dear! You are a pain in your OWN butt??? I can't stop giggleing! I guess if you can't be a pain to anyone else, there is always that option. You really ARE ambitious, aren't you, you troublemaker??

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

I am just catching this thread. All I can contribute is that I've known that Michelia became Magnolia over a year ago. We cite the Flowering Tree Society for that information. However, the industry hasn't changed yet. The trade name may not change for years, if ever. I've met nurseryman in the industry for 30+ years and never changed the genus names as the pages of the taxonimist times turn, and they never will. Other examples- Parmentaria and Crescentia. Afrocarpus and Podocarpus. I've also bought published books from nurseryman authors that were in all common names, but had amazing collections. I guess the science and art of growing is as dynamic as the plants we all cherish equally.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

All will be a mute point as Kaiser IS the Insurance Company/Medicare Provider etc....they are all rolled into one!!!! Nevertheless, I willprobably get diddled in the final analysis!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Nah - I think financially anyway - Kaiser will prove to be MUCH more realistic than Queens. I suppose that "diddled" is one way of putting it - LOL - but at least you won't get the heart attack and appoplexy that seeing a bill from Queen's would have brought!

Fauna - that's one of the things that makes our hobby/vocation/avocation so interesting - the constant challenge, right?


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