Question about tree pruning

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a Bradford Pear tree that I bought and planted last year. It is doing very well this year and is very full with leaves and branches. My question is, I let some branches grow on the lower part of the trunk that I probably should have cut off when they first started growing last year. Can I prune now? or should I wait until it is dormate again? The branches are getting pretty big. At least twice as big as a pencil, probably more.

Thanks for any help

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You can prune an ornamental Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana), including 'Bradford', just about any time. They are such vigorous growers, that they won't even know you've been around them with sharp instruments.

As you might have noticed, many here have no love lost for this species. Expect it to be relatively short term in your landscape, as tree life spans go. Callery pears often have quite poor branching habit and tend to break apart from sudden stresses like strong winds, ice accumulation, or snow load. They are also becoming quite the pest plant in KY due to heavy fruit production which then birds distribute when consumed and expelled.

Enjoy your tree while you have it.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I didn't know they were pest trees. There are sure a lot of them in my neighborhood tho. I did know that they dont have a real long life span. How long can one expect this tree to live?

Thanks for your info.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Depending on where you live, you can see these popping up in unusual places. There are a bunch of seedlings (bird-planted) at the interstate ramps at I-64 and Blankenbaker (exit 17). I work for Metro Parks; we are seeing them show up in natural areas around the system.

You won't find them as often in your yard, but that isn't the definition I would use to describe an invasive species.

For a residential property, especially if you have this in a spot protected from wind, you could plan for 10-12, maybe 15 years. They grow incredibly fast (usually), and this is part of their downfall when the generally poor branching habit leads to splitting apart.

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