Vermicomposting Bin on the Classified Ads

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Anyone use a worm bin like this? I have been contemplating a compost bin, but a worm bin might work well for my purposes.

I read somewhere that I need to keep it in the shade. I think I can do that. Do you put the same thing in a worm bin that you do a compost bin? I can add grass clippings, coffee grounds, and newspaper with no problem. I have some fruit and veggie scraps, but not a ton. In this case, I assume you get primarily worm casings for your garden, not regular compost right? It sounds like this doesn't get turned like a regular compost bin, is that right?

Guess, it is pretty obvious that I have no idea what I am doing, but would really like to learn!!


(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

All those things will work to varying degrees. the newspper is bedding, not food so much. The worms turn it for you. They tolerate but do not enjoy being messed with.


Gilmer, TX

If I add more grass clippings, dried leaves, and maybe even some soil will I get more compost? I am anxiuos to have some compost for my plants. I have had my worm bin for about 6 weeks.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

I would not add much in the way of dried leaves/soil. If you add to this like a regular compost pile, the bin will heat up and the worms will suffer/die. Grass clippings might be OK, but I have a concern. I've seen how grass heats up and gets slimy in my outside compost pile. If they do that in the bin, you will repel the worms due to heat and due to anaerobic conditions in the slimy grass. Feed the worms roughly a cup of food- once they have moved into that pile of food, you can add more. They don't actually eat the food so much as they eat the mold on the food. I have seen documentation of use of grass clippings as a bedding but only after it has dried. I'll try to remember to come back to this later but I've got to concentrate on work for a bit;-)


Gilmer, TX

OK. I better dig out the green material I put in there today. Thanks for the info.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Some greens are fine- that's what veggies are. I'm picturing clumps of clipped grass that cling together without allowing any air in- thus anaerobic. You could try sprinkling some in the bin- just not a big wad.


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