i have questions

Dahlonega, GA

what is a johnny's pink...anyone have one....are they "good" trees...i've only seen one for sale ,and no one ever talks about them .. two of my other trees , both grafts , have seeds ,...when do i collect them ,and what do you get if they germinate....any thing worth keeping?. what i mean is, is it worth the trouble? sally

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I will let others handle the seed question. As far as Johnies Pink It looks to be a fairly nice but to me typicalaccording to the Eastwoods cd it is a dwarf 7-12 feet in many years pink in spring green and summer red in fall leafs are supposed to be quite showy and deeply serrated ...It is rare to see one it would depend on price and size and fullnes and healthyness if it was worth it ..I would if I saw one that was as above David

Dahlonega, GA

thanks , i got one because my dh is a johnny . i thought it might be nice to include him in on my passion .i don't know , tho , he weed eated last weekend, cut off two maples i had layer rooted under the crimson queen momma.then turned around and scalped some hosta.he's baned from the front yard now . these men know how to work it ! wonder why the j. pink. isn't more popular?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Ouch about the weedeater. That's an expensive haircut! You can grow seed but it won't necessarily be like the mother tree. JM's don't come true from seed but if you want to experiment there's no reason not to. I don't know about the method. Seeds never grow for me except for the ones that selfseed in the garden.

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