companion plants for Tall meadow rue

Madison, WI

Last year I got a terrific plant - tall meadow rue. It is a mature size superb specimen that came back this year even more beautiful than. However, it is towering over an empty slate area in open shade right now. I'd like to find good companion plants for it and would welcome your ideas.

Here's the plant I have

This message was edited May 12, 2008 5:12 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I just ordered one this year, so I'll piggyback on the advice you get.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

I also love this plant, and have mine planted near aruncus dioicus (aka goatsbeard), another tall native perennial that handles shade well. It flowers white, a bit reminiscent of astilbe, but Much taller.

Madison, WI

Mine is building up buds :)

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I have a related species, Thalictrum dioicum, and planted it in a woodland edge area next to a flowering dogwood (still in seedling stage) and behind bloodroot, squirrel corn, white wood aster, and New York fern. Of course, the bloodroot and squirrel corn will go dormant in another month or two.

Madison, WI

Looked this one up for images Thalictrum dioicum - beautiful pendulum flowers.

Thank you for the suggestions. I do have ferns. Bladder and autumn ferns in this area.
They will make a nice hight transition down. I do love bloodroot so much, but that going
dormant part makes me alway wonder about the "available" spot :)

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I will say that T. dioicum is far less showy than T. aquilegifolium. I like it mostly for its tiered branching structure & delicate foliage. Also, it's a native representative of the genus. :)

This message was edited May 20, 2008 7:10 PM

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