Advice on Golden Showers climbing rose.

Mashpee, MA

Hi all,

I was given a Golden Showers yellow climbing rose. I would like to grow it with a clematis. Any ideas/advice?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Are you looking for advice on specific clematis choices that would look good? What will you grow the rose on - arbor, trellis, etc.? If you want them to bloom at the same time, you will have to choose the clem accordingly.

Mashpee, MA

This will be planted on a large arbor (8' x 18') that my husband just built that will have his black berry vines on the ends and three separate 4' wide planting areas on the front. I know that I need to choose the clem accordingly....I want blue to purple and even in that color range there are many to choose from. Also, I have grown many different kinds of plants but this is my first rose.....and I worry about caring for it.

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