Steer vs chicken manure...

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

Whats the difference? I sometimes read that I can use chicken as fertilizer, but its not available to me. Is steer a viable alternative?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Any animal manure will work as long as it's vegetarian type. No dog or cat feces. You do need to compost both of the one's you mentioned before applying those to your plants as they are very strong in the raw state and can burn your plants.

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

I suspected, just lacked confinense to know for sure. Thanks Doc!


Cheeto.................Cut the top off a fifty five gallon plastic barrel. Put twenty pounds more or less, of manure, in a synthetic feed bag (big tea bag) and fill the barrel with water. Cover it but stir it daily or frequently. It will get dark brown and will ferment some as early as in two weeks. Tie the bag shut and let it roll around as you stirr.

Dilute this down to tea color....the appearence of tea you would drink and water it in after planting or side dress with it any time you get the urge. Once a week is not to much. Just refill the barrel and keep stirring. It will last all summer for a surburban gardener. I use a cut off contractor sized garbage bag as a lid. You will get some larva and flys which hurt nothing but are better locked in.

You may add organic meals up to three cups full every week or so to add value to your manure teas. There will be no objectionable odor if kept covered. It works (ferments) better if it is in the sun but any location is just fine.

When fall comes dump the tea bag and the junk that settles to the bottom back into your garden or compost pile. Give your compost piles a drink of this occasionally as you see fit.

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

Docgipe, I think I am going ot need a bigger yard lol


This is not rocket about a smaller version tucked behind a shrub?

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

I was just being silly. I could find a place, but are there ever yards that are big enough? Thanks for the idea. I think I'll get on that right after I get my first successful compost pile completed. I actually already know of a good place to do it : ) I just want a bigger yard.


Good...............I once was attempting to encourage a poster to go for a pick up truck load of horse manure only to find out she was doing roof top gardening in NYC. All materials had to go up by elevator one bucket full at a time.

I am gong this afternoon to get some cow manure for my lasagna bed. How long does it need to compost in the bed? Edited to say-- Never mind I found the answer in another thread!!!

This message was edited May 28, 2008 2:16 PM

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