
Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

All of my perennial co ops are doing well except the echinaceas. They look dead but I planted them and hope that they will grow. The leaves came off of all but 2 of them. Anyone out there got any advise? Every thing else is looking good. Elaine

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I only ordered echineceas in Fairy's recent coop. All except one arrived in good condition; for that one, the top of the plant came off. I still planted it in the hopes that the root system was intact, and that it would continue to grow. I did not plant mine in the ground yet because they are still small. I have potted them up and they are outside on my driveway with all of my seedlings that I am hardening off.

I was thinking that I would give them another two weeks or so before planting them in the garden. I have seen a lot of growth. Off hand, I'm not sure if there has been any growth on the damaged one. I will check tomorrow. It's been raining hard all afternoon, and is supposed to continue into tomorrow.

How did your coneflowers look when they arrived? Has the condition worsened or is it the same?

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

kamikid....I don't have any advice for your situation but I do have some hope.....I've had new echinacea starts lose most of their leaves and later come back strong....

Paul from Alabama

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm going to keep saying Grace over them each day and I'm sure they will survive. All the others are looking great. Thank for the encouragement. Elaine

Raleigh, NC

MIne arrived in bad shape, and haven't done anything yet, either. Keep up the hope! I bet they'll come through. I planted some teensy tinesy ones from Bluestone last spring, thought they were gone, and lo and behold both have come up this year. You just never know....

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i have been spraying all my plants with messenger and they are all doing great!!!

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

How do you mix your messenger? Should I make it weaker than stated or do it regularly. I was afraid it might be to soon to do that. Thanks Elaien

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i have a 32oz sprayer so i sprinkle about half in it and shake! then spray

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


I did check my damaged coneflower this morning. I don't see any growth yet, but I will give it through the end of summer before giving up since it isn't taking up any room.

Maybe I'll try some messenger on the other coneflowers. It's been too cold and wet lately to do anything here. Today, it was in the low 50's and rainy. It's supposed to be twenty degrees warmer tomorrow though and summer - that's more like it.

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Sorry your coneflowers are struggling, Kami. For what it's worth...the echies I planted this year all acted like total drama queens, fainting and wilting with transplant shock. But I babied them and kept them watered and added a little organic fertilizer and now, a couple weeks later, they're looking better and holding their own. Maybe your plants are just in a heavy sulk like mine were. We can hope that's all it is, at least!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I've read all about Messenger, heard folks talk about it but never tried it......I'm absolutely, positively sure I "might" try it soon.....:)

You say its worked out well for you folks?

Paul from Alabama

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