pics of my new GH

rosswood, BC

Me and my helper

Thumbnail by tamatik
Evergreen, CO

Hey great looking GH! Bet you are really looking forward to you frist green:-) Any more pictures? What is the covering? I really like the height!


rosswood, BC

the covering is called coreplex..or...----plex many names..Its 4'x8' sheets and very onions are already 6" high and I have tomatoes and peppers in 5 gal grow bags in there too.
The headroom could have been a bit more,,Its 6' and i

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Great looking greenhouse! Your helper looks like he's tired after putting that up.

rosswood, BC

heres a pic of the construction and a sattelite garden

Thumbnail by tamatik
rosswood, BC

sorry at this

Thumbnail by tamatik
Evergreen, CO

Hey, what a cool idea!!!! Great way to use all those old dishes. I might have to find me one. would be great for lettuce and herbs. The Elk can use it like a big salad bowl:-)

New Iberia, LA

Now I know what to do with my old dish! What are you going to plant?

rosswood, BC

mostly flowers in the dish..The gh is for tomatoes and peppers and cabbage and my baby chickens. (I always wanted to be surrounded by young chicks wearing nothing but feathers..apparently...this is as close as I,m gonna get)

rosswood, BC

I just never thought it would smell like this

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

(I always wanted to be surrounded by young chicks wearing nothing but feathers


*rubs chin*

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

You'll be sorry when the baby chicks eat all your best plants! We thought it was a great idea too. Supposedly calla lilies have inedible, bitter leaves due to oxalic acid (like rhubarb). However, that only seemed to attract the chicks. They were still on baby food but I'd come in and find all my leaves in shreds.
Today they ate a rare impatiens down to the stem.
Good thing for them they are cute!

rosswood, BC

these guys are in cages and will only be free in winter and they can have whatever they can find then..

Lake, MI


I just moved into my new house and we have almost 12 acres and guess what we found yesterday?
A used sattlelite dish in the woods. Hummmm

would you please post an update of what it looks like after your garden takes off.
Would love to see how it works. I can't think of anything else to do with the thing.

I do need some where to put my pole beans. Might be just the right thing.


Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Amos i have seen people post pictures of dishes after they painted them and then mounted them in their gardens as garden art!! Their are lots of things to do with it!! Just imagine a huge sun or a pumpkin or a great big cheshire cat FACE!!! Grinning in the garden!!!
Come on guys more ideas??

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

I painted an old, unused dish, as a giant sunflower, with the "boom" hanging out in front painted as a bumble bee. =)

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

This pic was taken the spring that we painted the dish. Since then, there's no annuals planted there. There's 100 pink and 100 blue Hyacinth bulbs. It's one less bed to water. And, it smells so nice for a couple weeks when it's still cold and brown outside.

When I first suggested puting a bed in around the sweetgum, my wife was against putting a bed that had a sat dish in it. I said, "What if it doesn't really look like a sat dish?".

Sometimes you just gotta think outside the box. =)

My wife says I live outside the box. It's ok, though. I like it here. (It's a good thing I didn't think of using it as a planter, HEH.) =D

Thumbnail by Eggs_Zachtly
rosswood, BC

Amos55 I,ll see about getting some pix this weekend as it gets going..

Evergreen, CO

Love the dish Eggs! You have entirely to much time on your hands:-)

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

TY fourks =)

Too much time, HEH. Don't I wish that were the case! One of these days I'll cut some leaves out of plywood and strap them to the pole. I just need a clock with more numbers. *sigh*

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