What is strawbale gardening?

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

I was looking through the various forums o this site and never heard of strawbale gardening but I'd like to know since I have access to dozens of bales every year for free. Could someone point me to a general FAQ for strawbale gardening? I noticed there's no FAQ sticky in this forum and it'd be most helpful.

Wake Forest, NC

jjpm74: here's an article about my garden from 2007:


This should help.

Here's some modifications since then:

1. Put your bales with strings ON the ground. Less water run off.

2. Makes no difference what type of strings hold the bales together, but I personally prefer twine over the plastic since the twine will rot and I won't have to deal with all those plastic strings when I get the old straw up.


Wake Forest, NC

Another link: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/854417/

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