Japanese Maple damage

Muskegon, MI(Zone 5a)

I just came home from shopping and found my japanese maple chewed on..the bark was chewed off one side of the tree which is only about 18 inches tall....do rabbits eat these maples? and if so what can I do?..Im sick about this since this is a very slow growing japanese maple and do not want to lose it...Judy

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might post on the Japanese Maple forum, there are some really knowledgeable people over there who can give you your best shot at saving it (a picture of the damage would help...some damage undoubtedly is minor enough that the plant can recover, but if it's too bad then it may not). It definitely could be rabbits, that sounds like the sort of thing they might do. I don't know if they normally chew Japanese maples, but I don't think they're overly picky so it wouldn't surprise me.

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