perennial sweet pea question

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I am moving some perennial sweet pea from an old abandon homesite and want to know if anyone has ever moved it. I really don't want to kill it but it is going to get bulldozed anyway. Any tips would be appreciated!

When your pulling out, soak the ground to get all the roots better. Then when planting, use lots of the osmocote type slow release fertilizer (any brand, just slow release) and Lots of water if it has good drainage. i find mine love love love water!!
good luck!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I really cannot let something so lovely get bulldozed!

i hear THAT!
take care~~~

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Many years ago I saw this vine growing on a sidewalk and I pulled up one of them. I do not remember how I got it home and revived it. Anyway, I did have it for many years until I moved out that house where I had planted her. I know that over here in NY blooms sometime during May or early June, it does not bloom all summer, so I used to cut it back once there were no more blooms because I did not want the powdery mildew that it can get The blooms are lovely.........Were you able to pull it and bring her to your home?

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

not yet as I have been down with some kind of virus this past weekend. On my next day off I will go do the digging. There is a peony and some weed swamped iris there too.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Poor baby, feel better soon, and when you do DIG EVERYTHING, Save those babies from the bulldozers, they will reward you with many flowers in the future! Clem

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Clem. Wierd virus. Weak and a fever, but nothing else. Doc says just has to run it's course. Makes me wonder if it is a weak flu strain, since I had the shot. Never been sick without it affecting my sinuses or lungs. Just wierd.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I get the shot every year also, and this year, I'll tell you I got a terrible (who knows what) flu, everything that you can think of. It took me over a month to get better, this was in January.......Feel better soon and if you cannot make it to the site, send someone soon before the babies get killed, lol

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I will make it in time, even if I have to rest!

Lavender forever, have you tried tea tree Tea? Give it a shot...if you like teas is a teriff bug killer...

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Darren, shere can you get that tee? Never heard of it,Clem
Louise, feeling any better yet?

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

yup feeling much better. I only had ginger tea on hand. Next time I trek to the big city I will look for tea tree. Gonna go dig some plants this afternoon!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll like to hear you are better.....Hope you enjoyed the nice day! Clem

Its an essential oil in an tree grown in Australia. You can find it in healthfood stores in varieties of teas. Look for the non-common name, its maleluca, Which is also a the namesake for a line of product sold ( a la AVON ) that contain the beneficial oil. There are items like chapstick, tea, and a number of other items but those are the two items i use~ the trick is finding a Maleluca dealer( the took the name of the plant and use it for the name of the company) It is available in other brands of teas though, if you have a Whole foods type market near, or something similar...I also find nutmeg in my coffee or tea helps a bit sometimes depending on whats ailing me at the time! ( it tastes good in coffee!!)
Good luck in that and take care fo yourself!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I will look for it when I get to town. I did go get the plants. I dug the sweet pea and I am telling you that is a crazyyyyy tap root. I got a foot of it and the crown of the plant has many sprouts as well as the mature foliage. I cut all but two stalks off to decrease the wilting and watered it in well. I also got the irises. Only six left under all those weeds and some nice lily of the valley clumps. The peony I have to go back for, it has flower buds so I wanted to wait.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise , I have my fingers cross that everything will survive for you......keep us posted...........Clem

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

In case you're going to do any internet searching, both the company and the plant are spelled Melaleuca.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I will check it out. I can use all the help I can get. I always catch something...especially from my nieces and nephews.
Thanks Clem! I will let you know. It was looking pretty sad this evening. I kept it really wet all day though. The other stuff looks fine. Your plants look great except the liriope. That disappeared. The others all are taking off. Hey Clem. What is Clem short for?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise, my name is actually Clemencia, but I really do not like it, so all of my life I have shortened for Clemen and here is the States some of my friends call me Clem, so there you go! I wonder why the liorope disapperared, mine are so big and have blooms already......

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Not sure, I really cannot figure that one out myself. I mean the plant is gone, not died. Something took it!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

ok seņorita, you will get some in the near future when the are small enough to send. So what do you think f my name, ugky right> grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

lavender............Hey I have some perennial sweet pea seed if your interested for SASE...keep in mind it will take 2 years before you see any flowers though...Mine happen to be a hot pink....


(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

ohh Deann, I would love some! I truly think I killed the poor sweet pea it looks all shrivelled today despite my efforts to save it. Are you in the exchange? I don't care about the wait. All my gardens are baby gardens anyway. I have only owned this house for two years.
Clemen, I think your name is lovely. I thought maybe it was short for Clementine!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm glad my name is not the tangerine one hahaha

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