Clematis Bloom problem (Blast?)

West River, MD

My Clematis "President" which is in a pot on my deck put out incredible new growth this spring as well as literally hundreds of new flower buds, however the buds were very small, and when they opened, there were no (or very unformed) petals and with a central boss of stamens. This is the third spring I have had the plant, and it's always in the same position on my deck, with morning/mid-day sun, and late afternoon shade. I did not add any fertilizer this year, nor even last fall. This is a real (unsightly) puzzle to me and anyone else I have asked here.
Any clues what could have happened? It is still a very robust plant, with 100s of those ugly infloresences.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Do you have a photo of them?

(Zone 4a)

My clematis has done great in the ground! I have two of The President and they are both fabulous!!! Sorry I can't help! Maybe something with the pot?

Oh yeah mine get afternoon sun and they love it!

This message was edited May 10, 2008 11:45 PM

West River, MD

yes pirl, here is a photo from this weekend past.

DawnLL, this has been a winner for me also in previous years. This was just a huge surprise, it was hard to look at it, and remember those of previous years.

Thumbnail by somanyhems
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That is sad looking and yet the leaves look so healthy. Could the few cold nights you had a few weeks ago be responsible?

West River, MD

I didn't think it was cold enough to do this kind of damage, unless it was before the foliage and buds started setting. The flower buds were perfectly formed and healthy looking, except they were very small, maybe a quarter their regular size. As you noted the foliage is very healthy and robust looking. It's a puzzlement.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Possibly aphid damage. Look carefully at the underside of the leaves and see if there are any aphids and/or eggs. You'll have to use one of the sprays on the market made to kill aphids to control this infestation.

I just took a closer look at your leaves and I can see tiny eggs. Look very closely at the edges of the leaves & along the stem. If you have a severe infestation, than you'll have to use a product like Malathion. If you have a mild infestation, than spray it with a Light Horticultural Oil. The oil will smoother the aphids and kill them.

This message was edited May 12, 2008 10:07 PM

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Thanks for posting this question. My Lemon Chiffon has done the same thing 2 years running. I look for Aphids as Shirley suggested but found none nor their eggs. The plant itself is very healthy except for the flowers.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I would still spray a light horticultural oil on all Group 2 Clematis. They are the most prone to disease. Using the spray will help control any fungal disease or insect damage.

My "Lemon Chiffon" is a NO SHOW! I think several years of drought during the Summer months as taken it's toll on it.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Thanks Shirley I will do that.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Shirley..that is sad hon..I hope she returns!!..Let us know if the Horticultural Oil worked..Aphids also hate soapy water..I use my sprayer from Miracle Grow and put lemon dish soap in it and spray plants that have those bug problems...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yeah I know, it's a bummer when plants don't return after a particulary bad drought, but maybe there's still hope. I'll keep that spot well watered.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I have two that wilted and haven't returned......Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jeanne: Did they disappear from drought or Clematis Wilt?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis Wilt ...just a few weeks after planting them..and never came back...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Maybe they'll surprise you and reappear this year. Keep your fingers crossed!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I sure hope so...One of them is "Hoshi-no-flamenco" and even tho I've been told they are hard to get established..I want this one to flourish so badly!!..I'm thinking of ordering a second one just to be sure...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

OMG! I just ordered "Hoshi-no-flamenco". I'll have to watch that one carefully.

My C. "Debutante" just died from Clematis Wilt. :~( Hopefully, it will regrow and then I'll spray it like crazy.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You just ordered it??..He said he was out of them...I was waiting till he had more in..does he have them back in?..I think I better email him to get on the waiting list...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hhhmm, maybe I've been put on the waiting list for "Hoshi-no-flamenco". That's fine with me because I wouldn't have planted it in my area until the Fall anyway.

Delaware, OH

the plant needs fertilizer and possible even new soil if you can't move it to the ground. i do not think potted clematis is a long term plan for growing and enjoying the cultivars. maybe a first year alternative and the in the ground. at any rate, prune and feed your plant to assist it's quest to bloom. the sepals also can show this type of form due to cold temps while forming. in your case it may be both issues. when buds form too early, prune the plant back, feed it. you will delay the blooms but they will be lovely and larger.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) were put on a waiting list..he does that...That is how I got mine this Past Spring..I ordered it last year..thanks hon..Jeanne

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