Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron radicans

Glen Rock, PA(Zone 6b)

I hate this plant. We have a history, poison ivy and I. None of it is good.

So last year my husband and I moved back from Alaska to the lower 48, and the place that we bought seems to have been the nursery for a number of invasives, but none more vile and difficult to get rid of than this, my old enemy. Last time we met, in Yardley PA the vine was much smaller and weaker. There was really only one main clump which I was able to tear out. The forth coming shoots from the massive root, I took care of over the next two years. After one final squirt of round-up, I was able to declare victory on year three of battle.

This time, the ivy is everywhere. We waited til fall to launch our first attack. Most of the vines were tall, some going up over 30 ft, and they were massive at the base a few as big as my forearm. We tore through our back tree-line with loppers, and later a hatchet. We must have cut close to 200 vines, including one monster bonsai which had outlived its support tree and had become its own self-sustaining version of a weeping cherry, or perhaps more aptly strangler fig. We worked as close to the ground as possible, hoping to limit spouting. Knowing that poison ivy has giant roots to match even a small clump of leaves, I knew that spring would bring nothing by more trouble.

So here we are. Armed with my gloves, long pants and loppers I have felled a few more vines that we had missed before, and pulled some shoots and seedlings, ever careful to avoid touching my exposed skin, or to quickly rinse with Tecnu after an ivy kiss. Things seemed to be going well, until we had a nice warm patch followed by several days of rain that kept me out of the garden. I returned to see the under-story filling up with small, reddish leaved vines. I grabbed for my hip-holstered round-up and gave a number of blasts as I was driven back out.

In all this, I have manged to avoid huge rashes, with the exception of one I got during the winter. I believe that one was a gift from my baby, via my dog who had been digging for hibernating groundhogs. It was a nice little hand print on my belly. All other eruptions have been small, stripes, swirls and pin-pricks.

While I also am doing battle with Virginia Creeper, for me the poison ivy is worse...much worse. The creeper may continue to put up sprouts from the tiniest of root segments, the ivy fights back almost as hard, and meaner.

Anyone else have stories of battle with poison ivy, or just tales of woe, please share. We can cry and itch together here. For the record, poison ivy DOES NOT strangle its host tree like wisteria or the strangler fig. They can manage to steal a good bit of light from them though.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Note that poison ivy isn't technically an "invasive species," at least by the federal definition, since it's native. BTW, I'll take some of your Virginia creeper if you're looking to make a trade. :)

Glen Rock, PA(Zone 6b)

There does seem to be fierce debate about what constitutes 'invasive'. LOL As for how I defined it and why I posted this here, I followed the forum description 'invasive plants (whether native or exotic/alien species)'. I'd be happy to send you some VA Creeper if you are really sure you want some. %^0 Just let me know how much you want and I'll pot up a few cuttings. It should be no trouble at all to root. ^_^

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

It's a wild garden, so I don't mind too much if it goes in strange directions. ;) I'll send you a D-mail...

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

I think Ortho makes a Poison Ivy/Oak, etc. killer. that's what I use. I had a huge clump out back & sprayed every bit of it, left it alone until it was completely dead & then dug up everything & disposed of it. haven't had any come up from it at all. Every once in while I'll be weeding & find one coming up... go get my spray & wait until it's dead & dig it comletely up & so far haven't had any problem with it coming back up in that area.
Sure hope you can get rid of it. I'm the only one here who weeds on 2 acres of grounds. My DH is very susceptible to Poison Ivy, so he does not weed. He does vaccum & help me with the laundry & cooking though.
Jan in Central Illinois

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