What's your fav?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

What's your favorite weeding tool? What kind of weeding do you use it for? Enlighten us who haven't found a good tool yet! I guess this can include chemicals too.

Glen Rock, PA(Zone 6b)

Right now I guess that would be my gardening gloves, because I am just doing it by hand to prevent damage to the seedlings I did intend to sprout. Maybe later I'll move on to my hand rake. For bigger, nastier, or more difficult jobs I do turn to round-up. It's not my favorite, I find it a pain to apply, and generally speaking I believe the less chemicals I bring to my garden the better. However, it does have its place. I wouldn't want to have to completely remove poison ivy, for example, without it.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

I have to agree that my gloves are my favorite tool, since I too pull up what I can by hand. For the deep-rooted nasties like dandelions, I love the Cobrahead: great little tool you can stick in your back pocket and use for lots of things out in the garden.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a tool bought at a Farm & Fleet, (not sure where all they all this store, pretty common in the midwest), that's called a weedhound. It's about knee high or slightly above, little prongs on the end, you poke in the center if possible of the weed you'd like to remove, push a button on the top and lift. Great for deep-tap rooted weeds, such as dandelions, thistles etc. Also works very well on smaller weeds. It does NOT however, work on nasty weeds like creeping charlie or wild violets who only laugh if you try to pull them up. For those, a little dab of Round-Up goes a long way.

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