I don't know if I....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

ever posted this, or not....but here it is again in case I did. Bob is updating his palm list!!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I'll talk to all you guys later...I am going to go immerse myself in Bob's pics! A hui hou!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Those pics are gorgeous!!!!! Just wonderful!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So far I have only gotten through the "views" set. I love "Bob's three girls" but WHAT is he standing on with the gun and "Thelma - bad dog!". You guys take great pics! Now, is he proud of that gate or what???

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

OMG!!! Those orchids are to die for!!! Say, Carol, why didn't we see the lava tube? Is it all covered up now or something?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Just checked out your heliconias...and naturally I wanted the one I was looking at, then I decided not it was the next one ... you get the picture? But I was completely blown away by mele kalikimaka! That is just gorgeous!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Carol, everything is just beautiful, thanks for posting! Wonderful photography too...Now I am going to go back and look at all of the pics again...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Shari...ahem....i think there were a few distractions when you got here. Next time down in the lava tube.....

That 'Thelma Bad Dog...' was/is a wild pig walking down our road. Bob shot it and finally had to decapitate it before it would stop screaming!!!! He has a 'funny' sense of humor....

The gate is so gorgeous...he made it all...and all the 'artsyfartsy' parts are made out of flattened out copper pipe. I tell you...he is determinted!!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Are those flowers all on your place? I ask because of the question marks on some of them. I know a few, and I bet between the rest of the gang we can get them all identified if you want.

But then I was thinking...those are hoyas with some question marks...surely Carol knows what they are, so maybe those aren't your flowers? (Sudden light bulb!!!) or was Bob doing the labeling??

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

YUP...Da Bobber was doing the labeling and God Forbid he should ask me.... ^_^

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aha! I'm glad to discover that my Sherlock Holm's gene is still active, if a little on the slow side. LOL. But regardless of the lables or names, you are surrounded with such beauty...truly a place to marvel in.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The islands, wherever they may be, are a wonder and a place I would love to live.
Jenny's home was perfect and now I see Carol's. I am so blessed to have all of you for my friends. Understand more and more, Carol, what a gift it was to me for you to come to Jenny's. Kind of like the people that come to Texas and expect to see it all in one day. Thank all of you for your time. Something that can only be given of free choice and can never be recovered. And you, Sharee, taking extra time in a layover. And RJ for inviting us to his home. And Jenny, there are no words.

So blessed....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We all are. I would not have traded my time with you guys for anything. And I WILL get to Jenny's one of these days! Carol, the globe-trotter, owner of the magical Balihoya, and gathering place for the wayward Big Island visitors is probably not included in this statement - since her world is already so large; but speaking only for myself - DG has done more to expand my world than any passport ever could, and I think you feel the same Christi. Nothing earth shattering, but you guys have definately changed my life.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I may cry.

Think I will.

Love you a lot.

So sorry that our timing is so off kilter. Time for beddy bye. Would stay but I am just about gone sitting straight up.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

me too....ditto Christi's. Very appreciative of the friendships that have been made through DG! It is sincerely appreciated!

Time to call it a night for me too!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

My goodness, I just get back from running errands (bank, post office, yadda, yadda) and everyone has gone to beddy bye.

Carol, if you are still awake and able - could you take a gander at my post re: Rainbow tree? Ta!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Shari...Christi.... I second that emotion!

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