Can yoou please ID this Azalea?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

A man I work with brought this cutting in. It has already dropped a few petals, as that was a few days ago, but I think you can still see enough of it to ID it. He says he has had it for about 20 years....

Thanks, Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I believe that this is an azalea called red dragon, or maybe it's purple dragon. I'll post a link in a minute taking you to a thread that has a picture that I took of it a few days ago. If you don't think that's it I have some other ideas, but off hand it's pretty darn close!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ok. Here's a link to the thread that I posted the picture in.... it's about 1/5 to 1/4 of the way down the thread from the top. It's called Purple Dragon. If I were on my home computer I would just post the pic again here, I'm not though. But actually, on second glance I think that the one that I can't think of the name for right now, may actually be it. Purple dragon looks a little darker. but you can decide for yourself!

This message was edited May 8, 2008 5:50 PM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I think that this may be a closer match, especially since it has been around much longer. The name of this azalea is Koromo shikibu .... hey, I didn't name the thing! The link is to a picture of it on the azalea society of america web page. with any luck, i'll be able to post the picture here. if you don't think either of these are a match, let me know... there's one other strange possiblility, darned if I can remember it right now though. redchic

Thumbnail by redchic01
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That is exactly it!!!!! Even down to the darked speckles on the lower part of the petals.

I printed out the picture and will take it to the man at work so he knows the name of it,,,,

I know I would get an ID from someone.....DG is SO GREAT!

I was about to send the picture to some friends I have that live on Bainbridge Island off of Seattle. They are real Rhodo fanatics.....

Thanks!!! Gita

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Sure thing Gita! Glad that I could help! Most of the time when people post ID photos, they are of rather "generic" (I don't mean that to sound bad) looking azaleas. So.... it makes it almost impossible to know for certain which of them it is. That one is just so unusual that I was mesmerised with it the first time that I saw it a couple of years ago! Although, I still have to look up that darn name every time! If you like that one, then you'll definitely like the Purple dragon and another one that was farther on down the first link that I posted. Rhody S. Linearifolium. I agree about DG being a plant persons dream site!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I scrolled down the whole Post looking at all the pictures....Yes! I saw the Purple Dragon Rhodo.
I envy all your gardens in Oregon! Great weather there! My old Aunt used to live in Portland and I have been treated to amazing garden photos over the many years she was alive. Ger garden was always beyond fabulous!
Here in Baltimore, once Summer hits, it is stifling hot and humid and there is NO respite for the plants at night. The heat just stays and stays.....

I mostly "live" on the Mid Atlantic Forum"......

Thanks again, Gita

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I agree with you, the weather is hard to beat here. We have our moments when all of us here are cursing at it, but the reality is that it is mild compared to others. I think that I would melt in your humidity there! Whenever we have high humidity here, it is almost always accompanied by lightening. Have you been to visit where your Aunt used to live? As larger cities (no, not a huge city!) it's rather pretty and they've taken steps to preserve some of the old gardens there. Too little/late I think, but it all helps. I will have to check out the Mid atlantic forum! I hang out on the northeast instead of the northwest because it seems to be far more interesting for some strange reason and since I'm a night owl... they're up and chatting when I'm chatting before bed. It works out great. I bet that you would find it interesting. I'm not the only non-nor'easter hanging out there. The northwest forums are picking up a little now that spring has finally sprung after the last snow....3 weeks ago!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


What is your real, first name--please....

Yes, I was in Portland twice and then (1962 and some other year much later) and then again for her Funeral a few years ago.

My youngest daughter lives in Seattle and I have been there several it is also my Ex's home town. Their Gardens do well too.....

BOY! If you want to chat and literally "diary" with a bunch of VERY chatty people, go to the General Discussion and Chat Forum and check out the "Best and Worst--and what did I Learn" Post. It is now on part #42. About once a week it has to get moved on as there will have been over 250 some posts--EVERY week!!!!! If you miss a day, you can be lost....

I like all the people there--but it is hard to keep up. I don't post there all that often--mostly just if someone asks something garden-related.


This is my "Multi Blue Clematis" Love it!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow, that's a gorgeous multi-blue. We were just talking about a multi blue over on the other thread. maybe you already knew that :-p I will have to go and check out that thread, thanks for the info! It sounds as if it could be fun Well, at least you have been to visit Portland. Seattle is very pretty as well, on the outskirts--- i think anyhow. Too bad for the Ex being there, well maybe you still get along and it's not that big of a deal. Bainbridge Island is a beautiful area too, but only in peoples gardens. I don't think that there's that much left undeveloped there. I was there once about 15 years ago and all I remember is the beautiful gardens at the really big houses. but, I traveled through maryland once when I was young and it was really nice there as well. it was also in the fall, I'm sure taht had something to do with how nice I thought it was. But, at the time I thought that it was just an amazing place to be. I think that we tried to stay on the outter perimeters of the city, Baltimore, so as to not be overwhelmed or get lost!

Hope you're having a great day,

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


WHAT other Thread were you discussing the Multi Blue on?

I'd like to check it out.


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