My piles gone cold!

Garfield, AR

Last week the temp was 160 but yesterday it was cold and smelled bad! I didn't water it. Could that be the reason?
I watered it and hope that will make it heat back up. It's a 5x5 pile of grass and shredded leaves.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

You could try adding manure and/or fertilizer, then turning it.

Garfield, AR

I'll try that. Thanks

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I doubt it needed more water. Usually stinky compost means too much water or too much nitrogen (green) material. If you flip it and add more leaves it will help. Also top with a layer of leaves.

I wouldn't add more manure, fertilizer, or any green (nitrogen), or water unless it's really dry, which I doubt. The bottom and/or center are probably too wet.


Ashland, MT(Zone 4a)

It definitely needs to be turned.

Garfield, AR

I watered and turned the pile. Good news! It's hot once again! I think I let it get to dry.
Thank you for the help.

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