Zone 7 - Looking for evergreen vine for privacy....

Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

We're getting ready to put up a 6' tall lattice "fence" for privacy...... to block our neighbor's patio and hot tub. I'm not sure exactly how long the fence will be....... I'd guess 30 feet or so....

Would love suggestions for fast growing, ever-green and hopefully non-invasive vines to cover this area.......

Thought I would combine vines with some clematis plants.

The area faces south and pretty much gets sun all day.

Thanking you in advance for your suggestions....


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Janice read my d mail, you are lucky you get lots of sun, then you can pretty much grow many things, Clemen

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

is the fence on the south side of your area.. flowers and vines will prefer to hang and grow on the south side of the fence..
why a vine.. how about an eunomeous.. not a vine but very evergreen... and you can
prune it /tie it to lay aganst the fence and fill in.. you can even buy them already trained flat to a trellis.. Gordon

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I got a buddy that grew an evergreen clematis along and over his fence..... It's called clematis armandi......Kinda glossy green leaves and when it blooms it's got little white flowers......I thought it did a great job for him and he and his wife love it.....I reckon it gets about 20 ft. or so.......And as far as privacy goes....You couldn't see a pink elephant on the other side of his fence....Make that two pink ones.......:)

Paul from Alabama

Everett, WA(Zone 7b)

I have the same need... an evergreen vine that is not invasive, and has pretty blooms in the spring/summer. I have been researching and have found that there is an evergreen climbing hydrangea that looks to have beautiful foliage all through the year. My problem is that in that spot there at my place it is fairly shady. I like the idea of an evergreen clematis, but for me it won't work with the shade. That evergreen clematis is in a yard in our neighborhood, and while it does keep its leaves they didn't look all that great in the winter. Possibly just a problem in our cool and soggy winter weather.

Nokomis, FL(Zone 9b)

I had a 6 foot tall chain link fence that I put confederate jasmine vines on and in about 18 months had a fully grown wall. Ps, they also flower very fragrantly.

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

catgal.....I had a one of those and in a shady place and lost it last year due to drought for lack of a better reason to give you.....I loved it too, it was two years old.....not even getting really started good, they say 3 to 5 years and watch out then.....the foliage? gorgeous I think and layered so to speak if its growing up a wall...I have never seen one in person but the photos I see online make me want to catch a plane and go see'em.....there are two that I know of.....the one I had is Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris.....and the flowers are so nice....and this one, it like partial to full shade......get on board the climbing hydrangea train is leaving town now......:)

Paul from Alabama

Everett, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Paul! So you have the evergreen climing hydrangea? I had only seen pictures, and found it on, but then saw one at a family friend's house, in heavy shade, and the foliage was gorgeous! She said that it has never flowered for her though, and she wasn't sure if it was because of the shade, or because she actually has it planted amongst the grass in her lawn, and perhaps the lawn fertilizer was causing it to put all its efforts into the foliage and no flowers.

I am in a very different climate then you all I think, but I got a confederate jasmine that was very healthy when I bought it in a 1-gal pot, I planted it in one location with lots of organic material mixed into the soil, and it wasn't doing well, so I moved it to a spot that got a bit more sun, thinking that it was in too deep of shade, and it is really suffering now. It is by far in the worst condition of all the plants in my yard. Not sure what the secret is with that plant, perhaps it needs a warmer area?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Did you suddenly move it from shade to sun or did you give it time to acclimate? If you just moved it all of a sudden it could be sunburn combined with transplant shock, I imagine that would make a plant look not so happy. I don't know about warmer vs cooler climates, I think cool climates are fine because I've seen them over in San Francisco and I don't think their summers could possibly be warmer than yours. Over here on my side of the bay it's hotter in the summer, and I've seen people growing them both in full sun and in part shade and they seem equally happy either way.

Raleigh, NC

Confederate jasmine (Trachleospermum jasminoides) may not be winter-hardy in 7a if exposed. It may stay alive but drop all its leaves. Kiwi vine (Actinidia chinensis) is a great vine (male version) with large leaves & stems covered with pink "fuzz". First year slow, then it leaps. I use it on a lattice & arbor for outside shower and it provides great privacy...but just in the warmer months. Not evergreen.

Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much everyone.....

From what I've read, confederate jasmine isn't a perennial here...... I'm disappointed as the photos I've seen are truly beautiful....

I'm going to do a search on Kiwi Vine now......... Guess it's not really important that we have privacy in the winter..... but I'd like to have quick coverage as soon as possible in the warmer months....

thanks again - I've learned so much from all of your posts....


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