Assistance in identification, please?

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Greetings, all!

Here's to hoping someone might be able to help me identify a few
Iris. I apologize, I've taken the time to learn all about daylilies over the
years, and all I can tell you about our Iris is the color. Should I be
ashamed? LOL

I do understand that it may be very difficult to pinpoint, but I was hoping
someone might at least give me a push in the right direction. Here is what
I know about this one:

Rescued from an abandoned home, a very old home where very old folks once
lived, in the country, so I assume it is an old cultivar.

Very tall, (40'?) very strong, very large, very fragrant. Though it does have a pleasant
smell, a giant vase of them put off an occasional whiff of that familiar Iris smell.

Does that help at all? Also, they are in full bloom, this is zone 7-ish. They are
the largest Iris we have, and we have many planted all over the place.

Many help for any ideas.

Karen Marie

This message was edited May 6, 2008 8:21 PM

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