Why is my Tropicanna shrinking

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I planted these in a bed under a big pine(very hi shade,lots of afternoon sun)w/daylilies,candylilies,stokesia aster, goldmound spirea and other. All are doing well but the canna. I also have Pink Sunburst that was in bed next to my pond just across and down from the Trops that was doing just as bad so I dug them up and potted them before they disappeared.

Guess a pixture is worth a thousand words. Maybe I should thin out daylilies and give it some more room?

This message was edited May 7, 2008 4:52 AM

Thumbnail by bigred
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

They look fine to me, nice healthy new growth. This sounds like a nice area but I'm wondering if maybe it's a cooler area? If that's the case then they are just waiting for it heat up. I also wonder about the pine tree and the acidity of the soil under the pine tree. That's not a problem I have so I dunno even know if it is a problem but I know that some plants require a certain acidity or alkalinity so that's a possibility..........ground under your pine tree should have a nice low Ph.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I moved some a few eyes to another location to see if they'd do better. I'd hate to move all of them from this bed because I like the color combo. It dose get pretty warm there during summer months.

My Bengal Tiger on the other hand looses it's mind evey year. It's plant on top of wants left of a sassafras stump hub's ground down.Only just started emerging. By summer it will fill this entire area.

If Stuttgart doesn't preform better this year(hasn't put in an appearance yet),it's leaving. I have it in the overflow bog next to my pond and it gets afternoon shade but it always looks burnt up.

Thumbnail by bigred
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Stuttgart cant take much sun it grows some what better in the north paul

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Stuttgart doesn't take any sun here in West Texas... I have it in a narrow area that only get direct noon sun and I have a shad cloth over that.. still burns. My Tropicanna and Bengal are both very slow growers here also.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

If my Stuttgrat comes back,I'll move it to another bed that stays pretty moist and gets only early am sun and high shade the rest of the day.

As you see in the picture,Bengal Tiger loves the spot it's in. It will fill in that entire area by summer and be 5ft. or taller.

I have Cleopatra that does well for me also. If hub's ever gets sprinkler system install so I can get back to planting, I have Milk Festival to plant. So far in a pot,I have not been impressed.

I have some NOID cannas that I planted as errosion control years ago that are like weeds and I can't ever seem to get them all dug out.

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