Headcount ORVG RU 2008

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Chele, if you end up not going, which I hope doesn't happen, we can take the plants for you.


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Yikes guys, I'm beginning to think that Earlier in May might be a better time. I hope everyone can get stuff cleared away so they can come. :) Michele, you really need to be there! Jazz! You need to be there too!

EVERYONE needs to be there!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hope you can make it, Chele!

Bad !!!!
i will miss you. i can come over to help carry plants over for you if you would like. we can load up my truck if you want ? and bring them to the RU ?
no pressure though *wink*

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Bringing my sister-in-law and son too, can't wait, packing up glass stuff.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Rebecca your glass was a hit last Fall!
We're just figuring where to put it in the Garden...
Safety (for it) and Show-off! lol!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Rebecca, looking forward to meeting you and the ORV renowned glass! Since I missed last spring RU, and the fall one too, I have heard how pretty the objects you make are. Can't wait.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Dusty is sending you some violets. We pulled them when we pulled the hens and chicks. I potted them in styrofoam cups and they look like they are going to make it. Bertie is bringing violets too...I can't imagine so many violets...Did you say 350???

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! All
Well life has bitten me in the butt. Our car is on the fritz. It's not bad, but can't get it into the shop until next Monday. We have the Kids all week and Jeff needs the van to get to work and of course he has to work Sat. I guess I will be missing the RU. For people who I have set up trades with maybe we can work out some shipping of things. anyone who wanted things from me and still wants them Dmail me and we will see about shipping. Don't worry about what I was getting, just stuff people wanted from me.

I am really bummed about this. I so wanted to meet everyone in the flesh. Maybe I will get to see at least some of you when we take our "tours" this summer. I see also there is a fall RU?? Hopefully I can make it to that one at least. Take lots of pics! I at least want to see how much fun it was.
Love ya all

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, no George, this just can't be happening. And I had so counted on meeting you. Let's see if something can be worked out, maybe someone close by can give you a ride. Brain is churning, help help, somebody, let's get George to the RU.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I had mentioned on another thread that I can't make it, but forgot to post here.

Maybe for fall.

Boss notified me I am call that weekend.


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, crap, George...does that mean Neal too, then? I have tons of stuff for the two of you....what to do, what to do....

How far away from the site are you?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I do have a trip to Middletown I have to take here soon. How far are you from there? My dads family and some of my mothers family also live there and they are forcing me to visit. LOL. Maybe we could work out something then? I also could work on some shipping of things using flat rate boxes.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

George, if you're coming to Middletucky ^_^ that is cool. The exits from my exit to the Middletown exit is 5 miles and I live 1 mile from the ramp to 75! For sure you have to visit and get your stuff. We don't need to be spending $$ on boxes. I just feel awful that you won't be able to come though, I just know you were going to be the life of the party!!!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I think Neal will still be able to come I hope. His roomie has a truck and I'm sure he can bring him or borrow it for the day. He prob will need a truck by the sound of his trade haul anyway!! LOL I hate it, but the car is not the only issue. I had forgot about the kids scheduled visit at the first of June and Jeff now is covering vacations at work so of course it had to be our sat of the RU they picked. I will miss meeting everyone, but will be there in spirit!!

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

When we built the new house we decided no lawn to mow. I am planting violets and sweet woodruff instead of grasss. Also planted wild geraniums and some wild ginger. I figure I've got about 15% of the space planted. More work than I thought but I am determined. And I love violets.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I just found some more. They've been out of the ground for awhile though, so I don't know if they will make it or not. I'm giving them a long cool drink now.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

OH NO, George! Doggone it, I really want to meet you! :( The kids are welcome - you know that. I hope something works for you to make it. Can you borrow someone's wheels just for the day?

aaaah Geo bummer

what do we do if it rains ? I think its predicted rain on sat ?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

No rain predicted.
We have a shelter though.
It won't be a problem.


good to know Ric thanks

ok got my hotel for sat

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Bad news for Brian and I. We can't make it to the RU :( It was a really hard decision because I want to be there soooo bad! But, there are several reasons we just can't. The rain has kept me from digging plants for trades though I did have a few already dug, with thunderstorms and terribly hot/humid weather forcast for Fri and Sat I don't think tent living is a good idea. Also, I have pups with the runs that I'm going to have to take to the vet tomorrow. I won't leave sick pups :( Saving the $200. it was going to take us in gas doesn't hurt either. So, while I'll be there in spirit the body has to stay home this time. Will just have to hope I can make to whatever might be planned for the fall.

Would love to do mail trades for those I have trades worked out with.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, WV, so sorry to hear of the problems, but know that I understand, so another year without meeting you. Poutie face on.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Several changes in attendees.....................anybody have a current list of who's coming?

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Yeah, Bonnie, last year it was your pups that kept us from meeting! It really sucks. I have been so looking forward to this all year and REALLY needed the time away having fun with friends. Super bummed now. I've had the pouty face today, too. As of last night was still planning on being there. It was that fast of a change.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I think the list at the top is current now with the exception of Lana and Brian, George and Jules?

I will be coming, but not sure for how long. I'll probably have four kids with me. Carly has a softball game at 2pm (home game) and Craig is the assistant coach. Kristenne is going with them for moral support. :)

As I said earlier, everyone is welcome to stop here on their way back home. Fair warning- with me sick and trying to remodel, the house is a wreck, the gardens are full of weeds but the beer is cold and the pool is up and ready for swimmers. Most of the yard is really wet but I have room in the greenhouse and on the sofas. LOL I'll set aside my embarrassment to have more time with all of you.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Jazz isn't coming either... :o(

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Crud! I knew that!

Melissa is apparently offline due to storms. Hopefully she can get back in and update.

Ok i m lost already
sorry to be so dense
this is what i got
75 to Cincy - 275 E to exit 71 E on St rt 52 then take nine mile rd left
is this correct
i don't have a printer at home so i m using my fil comp
thanks folks

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Bob and I will be there also.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I *think* it's updated, but it sure does seem like I'm missing people.

The surprise DGer will be here tomorrow evening, and will be accompanying me to the RU Saturday. :)

And probably to do all my dropping off of kids before I can come to the RU. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, can't wait to meet the mystery guest on Saturday, should I do any extra primping? Or do I need to make sure I dress down to avoid outshining a female mystery guest? Inquiring minds, you know!!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie, I think you'll be just right, but we'll be able to tell who you are and who your DS is, because I think you will know said Mystery guest, and DS won't! :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, My Gosh, it is Roadrunner, or Darius!!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm sworn to secrecy.

I didn't say they were female did I?????????

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Oh, no. Now I'm going to miss a mystery guest, too?! I'm soooo bummed!


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, you're killin' me....Who can it be?? Last mystery guest at a roundup I went to turned out to be MaryE (active on the farm life forum, especially).

((Lana)) Howie and I only live 3 hours from ya...We should have our own get-together before too long, eh?

This message was edited Jun 6, 2008 1:19 AM

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Yes! Would love that Kimberly :)


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