Feeding myths

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

I was sent a link to a page on the Alberta's Ag site that talks about some feeding myths, many of which I've heard too. This is the list of topics:

Myth: Bran mashes have a laxative effect | Myth: You should never give a horse straight alfalfa | Myth: Beet pulp is a just a filler | Myth: Beet pulp must be soaked before you feed it | Myth: High protein feeds make my horse too high spirited | Myth: Performance horses need a high protein diet | Myth: High protein diets cause development problems in foals | Myth: Corn and barley are 'heating' feeds | Myth: Rolled oats are better than whole oats | Myth: Canola oil is toxic to horses | Myth: Blue salt is for cattle only | Myth: Always feed hay before you feed grain | Myth: Horses must be cooled down after exercise before allowing them to drink | Conclusions | Suggested reading | About the author

If you're interested, take a look:: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/hrs3243

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