Does organic gardening lead to more bugs and stuff in soil?

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Last year was when I decided to begin organic gardening. I haven't used any synthetic fertilizers or additives in my soil. I have added alot of compost and hummus as well as alfalfa. I have also used fish fertilizer, and kelp last year, but not this year yet. Everything gets a layer of hardwood mulch.

The reason why I ask this question is that when I moved several plants to new locations a couple of weeks ago, and I was astounded by the number of pill bugs/sow bugs that were under these plants. There were so many that came out that it was scary. The plants looks great. They are healthy and doing well in their new homes. I saw the same thing today when I moved two small shrubs. Once again, the shrubs were in good health.

My first concern was that there must be a problem with the plants - nope, they are fine. Then I began wondering about some type of extra bug colonization - reaching for straws? Finally, I began to think about why I would be seeing so many of these. As far as I know pill bugs/sow bugs just eat dead plant material. Could using more hummus, leaves, and compost cause more of these to be in the soil? The plants don't seem to be suffering at all, but I was wondering...

Montclair, NJ

My first thought when I read your post was that one of the beautiful aspects of organic gardening is that you will see increasing numbers of insects and other wildlife in your garden. Then I thought I would do a little research speecifically on pillbugs. There's a great thread about them in bugfiles here (I'd attach the link but I'm not sure how). It seems to me that it depends on conditions in your garden whether pillbugs are specifically a problem or not. I wouldn't worry about them if I were you, just keep an eye on them. They do primarily eat dead and decaying plant material, only occasionally live plants.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Ditto to what eogrinz said. And you should be seeing lots of earthworms as well. Your soil is getting healthier since you're not using the chemical junk on it that kills the beneficials over time.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

There is a definite increase in worms in the garden. I was just surprised to see so many pillbugs when they weren't an issue previously. As I noted, they don't appear to be bothering any of the plants.


Pill bugs are a part of your positive army leading to better soil condition.

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