Clematis help...

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't know what has happened to it,it was fine,bloomed like crazy this year,and now this is happening .Any ideas? It looked worse,wish I had left the worst part on for you to see.This is before...

This message was edited May 3, 2008 9:08 AM

Thumbnail by Pyewacketcat54
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

And this is today,what is happening?? I have had it in this pot for 3 yrs,first year it ever bloomed like this,do I need to repot or what? It's my 1st one,now I have several I have just ordered,and don't want to see them do this. I did cut it back this spring,though I don't remember what kind it is,hence the new labels and markers now.ha Becki

Thumbnail by Pyewacketcat54
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becki...Do you know the size of your Pot?.. An 18inch X 18 inch is the smallest suggested..I have mine in alot bigger..what you are seeing is a loss of nutrients in the soil..which is common for container grown plants...I see you still have plenty of room at the top of your pot..I would topdress with a couple inches of composted cowmanure and then put 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salts in a watering can...stir well and water...what you see is a Magnesium deficiency from the yellow leaves..I even have that happen almost yearly on my Clematis "Daniel Deronda" that is in the ground but close to the foundation of my home...I just toss out a handful of Epsom Salts and water in for him...he greens right back up and is doing beautifully...also..try some of my Alfalfa's wonderful on all Plants...I just gave all of my roses and clematis a dose of it this morning...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I knew you'd know what to do for it,it's in a 13 in sq. pot,should I move it into a bigger one too,now? I have bigger ones,just had started it in this one,never moved it because it wasn't doing that well.
thanks sooo much,Becki

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

It wouldn't hurt to repot it into a larger pot for the longevity of the plant..consider this a learning curve and in the future use larger pots's better now than when it gets larger ..the roots will thank you for it and love the new soil in the bottom of the new are welcome hon...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Now see, I was always told not to put new plants in a large pot,I dunno who,but I do know they weren't talking clematis'... live and learn I say! I'll pot it up this afternoon.You are the best,Becki

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I had to cut it back,to get it out of the pot, so rootbound I couldn't get the trellis out with it.Put it in a lg tree pot I had,new soil,composted manure,a bit of superthrive,and a little epsom salts.Added a little mulch around it.Broke my heart to cut it back,my cousin came by and almost fainted when she saw it,LOL
I have told her she needs to join here,she has a Japanese maple OCD,and has 18 of them in pots,we are going to make her a small zen garden with a small pond I had left when I replaced mine ,told her she will find the best help here....also, there was a small offshoot with the plant,I carefully separated it,and potted it on it's on.Right thing to do? Becki

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becki!!..Lucky did the right thing!!. Lovely that your Momma plant gave you a baby ...just make sure you keep the soil moist and it should do well and be bigger and better than ever!!...You and your cousin are lucky to live in a cooler temp than me..'cause from my understanding JM grow better in Dallas area than just gets too hot..I've been tempted to get one and grow in morning sun and afternoon shade but I would just die if it wasn't going to make it..they are so expensive here...let me know how your baby is doing in its new pot...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Jeanne,
So glad to know it is a good thing that I did,LOL
You should try a jp, I have one,that I bought a couple of years ago at HD,it was on sale,looked a little peaked,got it for 25.00,I gets morning till high noon sun,and seems to like this spot,so it stays there.I often try plants on sale, that way if they don't make it,well, I tried and didn't spend a load of money on it.I now have 11 1.80 clems from hd,went for more soil and compost and there ya go.... friends say I need a 12 step.It's my therapy I think,cheaper and way more fun.
I can't believe the way superthrive revives an almost dead plant,I put then in a 10 gal. aquarium(to keeps the cats out of them,one loves plants as much as I do) and they just come to life.I have a had few gnats,ordered some spray from natural planet for them.Trying to be a good greenie in the yard,daughter lives in Seattle ,it's mandatory recycle there,so she has taught me some about it all.
Anyhoo,if you ever get to Ft.Worth,come by and have a coffee or tea.You can meet the zoo.ha Becki

Thumbnail by Pyewacketcat54
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh My what a pretty JM!!..I am going to have to get me some of that SuperThrive..I have an online gardening bud that swears by it and now you too!!..I might get brazen and plant a JM!!..Thanks for the invite..if I am ever up your way I would love to tour your gardens..and the same offer here...If you are ever near Conroe...let me know!!..Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, it would be a short tour for sure here,LOL,but the invite is open.I will keep you in mind for coming down,I don't get out of town often, just Seattle to see my daughter. Yes, do try the superthrive,I found out about it on here too,it's amazing,and they must know it,the price is climbing,so get it now,Walmart is the cheapest. Becki

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Becki..will get me some...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I have to tell you, I bought 4 clems through a coop on a yahoo group,and the 1.80 ones at Lowes are better,and I paid 4.00 for the coop ones.Live and learn,heh? And, I got the same ones at Lowes.LOL
I have had sucess at most of the coops here,but I'm thinking about dropping out of the yahoo one.
Have you been in yahoo coops?It's BnP.... Becki

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I've had invites to join some of the Yahoo Co-ops but never did because I love the ones we have here!!..and I go with the ones that people I know of have here and are experienced with them...Fortunately I've never had a bad one favourite one is the Daylily Co-ops ...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I know, the people here are amazingly helpful,and the coops are easier to access.I had joined it last winter,and have found the people here friendlier and more knowledgeable too.I stayin here... I ordered 4 more from silver star vinery this weekend,1 - Comtesse de Bouchaud 1 - recta "Purpurea" 1 - Rooguchi 1 - Triternata "Rubromarginata" Do you have these? Debbie said that they are good for Texas.... Becki

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

The only one I have your mentioned is "Comtesse de Bouchard"..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

OMG,that is beautiful,the lady told me it is an old variety,would look good in an older yard,and I am waiting to get them,maybe today... woohoo.My dogs are getting nosy about the bonemeal I put in them, I have to keep sooing them away.LOL

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You'll Love "Comtesse" ..she was one of the first I planted..I have her on my Umbrella Trellis with my climbing rosa "New Dawn"..hope you get them today!!..Congrats...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

They came today,and I'm headed out to the yard to play....... I hope mine do as well as yours,yours are gorgeous!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I am sure they will hon and look forward to see her flourishing just beautifully in your gardens

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

May I get your recipe for alfalfa tea? Think I need it... thx,Becki

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Jeanne..the Comtesse is beautiful. I purchased the same one this week so I am very excited now for it to bloom.

This is not the best picture as it was taken from my daily calendar with English garden pictures..but I thought it was so pretty using Clematis trained on arches along the fence. Very pretty and great inspiration for my back fence.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That is beautiful,I have just had the chance to start collecting them,and have always loved them.They remind me of my grandparents...good memories with flowers are the best.
I found a man that is coming to price helping me put up a GH with all the old windows I have,I am sooo excited,if he is not the one to do it, I have a friend that is giving some of his old barn wood to me,he's building a new one,and has more than he needs,says he can help me too.If I were 20 yrs younger,I could do it myself,but it just doesn't happen for me so much anymore.... I am trying to start some pieces of the other plants I have,but the cats won't leave them alone,so the plantroom is now the catroom.
Baxter had to get some of some plant,he thought he won ...ha

Thumbnail by Pyewacketcat54
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Bea...that pic is about dedication to the shape they have their clematis on...
Pye..your furbaby is so precious...My two usually are all over the desk while I'm at the computer or sitting on the printer..LOL.but never in my trashcan..
To make Alfalfa tea..I take a 5 gallon bucket and put in 4 cups of Alfalfa Pellets (these can be bought at your local feedstore for about 11-13 bucks for a 50lb. bag) fill the bucket with water...sit in the Sun and stir daily..In about 5-7 days it should really start to stink..once you smell that horrible smell it's ready...add 4 cups of Epsom Salts and stir well and apply about 1 cup for small plants and 2 cups on large..water into the soil...ALL plants love this..remember to always stir before applying as the goodies tend to settle to the bottom..Enjoy..Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll get started on it today,going to the herb festival with my cousin this afternoon,will get the pellets while I'm out.
Are you having any problems with those little gnats ? They are everywhere here,figured it's all the rain we've had.Found a mint spray that gets them,at Planet Natural,kills the ants too,finding them in and under my pots...don't mind bugs,just not in the plants,

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

No I haven't noticed any gnats..I think you are having it warmer than us today...we had the tail end of those rains for two I turned off my sprinkler's only been in the low 70's and delightful weather to be working in the gardens...aren't you suppose to get up to the 90's today?..yikes..Summer isn't far behind...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

It was a scorcher,but got stuff done...waiting for my body to get used to the heat again. I just can't take it anymore like I used to. Trying to l et things dry out good before I water again, I heard that will help with the gnats.
Summer is on it's way.... wah. But,my frogs are singing at night at the pond, I love it,and saw fireflies last night too!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

How I miss seeing Fireflies..I grew up in West Texas and used to love sitting on the back porch and watching those sweet things...Living on the Lake ..I have tons of frogs in my pond..they get so loud I have to close my back door..LOL...more like a honking sound...Me too, I can't take the heat like I use to...I get up early and get out into my gardens at 7 during the summer and am in by 8 or 9...need that A.C....LOL...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Me too,and have you noticed that the bags of dirt,mulch and compost are heavier,not more , just heavier,ha
I have to work in a warm inviroment,so I try to stay out of the heat of the day if I can... mornings are great,I tell them at work,if I'm running late,it's because I'm in the yard.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes I was hot here yesterday..91* and suppose to get up to 92*..sheshhh..I am so NOT ready for Summer...Jeanne

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I lived in Alaska for 10 years,and I have to tell ya,the summers are short,but man are they great.I've never grown lobelia like I did there,and other things too.I had a lettuce called Tom Thumb that was so good,small heads,good for one meal... I need to try it here.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Growing cool variety plants is we have to do them in morning sun only because our heat is too intense...I'd rather go inside for A.C than freeze my you know what off..LOL..But just think of the more tropical things you can grow!!...Jeanne

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