Yellow Zucchini ?

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I bought the wrong squash yesterday. To make matters worse, I bought a whole flat of it. :)

The tag had a picture of yellow squash and the label said summer squash so I just threw it on my cart. When I got home I decided to look up the variety which is Gold Rush and I find out it is not the same yellow squash I'm used to planting and eating. It is actually a yellow zucchini. It did say on the tag it got the ARS award.

Has anyone ever grown this before? Does it run or grow like a bush? Is it good to eat? How do you fix it? Will I need a semi truck to put the squash in when I harvest?



Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

Gold Rush is a hybrid yelow squash with white flesh that is listed as a zucchini type
I grew it a number of years ago.
It was not as prolific as the black or dark green varieties.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I grew it last year. It was a bush variety. I liked it because it was easy to spot the fruits to pick them while they were young. In really hot weather, they turn more green than gold.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for your replies. I hope it tastes good. Maybe it's a good thing to try new things. I may like the taste better than the yellow crook neck I'm used to fixing.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I find gold rush to be a good tasting zuk and as noted above lower in production than the greens or blacks. But if you have a flat probably you could not begin to use what they will produce. I tried yellow crooked neck last year and I think I do like it better than zuks.Ernie

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Ernie for your critique. I did buy some green zucchinni also. I plan to plant seeds for my regular crook neck yellow squash. We'll just have lots of squash to eat and share with friends and the deer. :) None will go to waste. We have lots of room to plant all of them.

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