Pre-Emergent - clove grass

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm in Texas and have an organic vegetable garden.

Each year, the clove grass gets a bit more unmanageable. Usually I can make it until June before it really gets bad.

This morning I pulled and raked and hoed and then - well, cried.

They are choking out my lettuce something fierce, but the tomatoes and the bush beans, along with the carrots seem to be going along.

Anyway, I don't suppose there is anything I can do now, but next season, I need to put some organic pre-emergent down ... or something.

Any suggestions?


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Corn gluten is the only organic pre-emergent I know of. It will only work though if clove grass is an annual weed that comes up every year from seed. If it comes up from roots or runners that are still in the ground, then the pre-emergent won't do anything since all it does is stop seeds from germinating. I'm not familiar with clove grass and I couldn't find a Latin name for it in the quick bit of searching that I did, so I don't know which of those it is.

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)

sorry -

clove grass is my "irritation" name for it. I will research it myself and get a true name ....


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

That's actually a pretty polite name for something that irritates you that much! I can think of much worse things you could probably call it! LOL

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)

... yes, but this is a moderated forum.


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