
Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Is there anything I need to know about growing Warratahs? Thought I might buy a couple. My wife and I quite like them.



Katoomba, Australia

I live in the Blue Mountains where they do really well and grow wild. They need really good drainage - use a slow release fertiliser in spring.
Pick some of the flowers to keep a good shape to the bush. Scale insects like them so watch for that.
This pic is of my back yard - the waratah is on the far left - the Italian lavender and bottlebrush thrive here as well.

Thumbnail by nicollocin
Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi Mike, sorry I have never grown a waratah where I used to live it was too cold, where I am now they do well. I jumped on because it is so nice to chat to another kiwi, you are the first one I have found. Weed Woman is an ex kiwi, that is good too. Do you come on DG much? and what do you grow. Good luck with waratah they are just lovely. Lesley

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the advice nicollocin.

Hi Lesley. Funny you should mention that I'm the first kiwi you've found because I was beginning to think I was the only one on the whole web site! I've only just recently joined up actually. Where abouts did you live before Gisbourne? It seems like a nice climate up there. We've ( my wife and I) only been at our current location for a few months (built a new house) so we've really only just started on the gardening side of things. The house is on an elevated site near the coast so we don't really get any frosts which means we will be able to plant sub tropicals - our favourite plants! So far we've planted a couple of Pukas, Giant Birds of Paradise (as well as the smaller variety), Bouganvillea, a couple of Lucidas, Succulents, NZ Rock Lillies, three varieties of Protea, a number of small flaxes, Astelias, Citrus trees, Avocado, Gardenias, Pygmy Date Palms, Hibiscus plus we have many plants still in pots (Cycads, Taro, Bromeliads, Agaves etc) waiting to be planted once we have further developed the section.

So what are you growing up there? I'll take a couple of pics and post them soon.


Gisborne, New Zealand

That wasa nice quick reply Mike. I used to live in Te Araroa at East Cape, where I was it got very cold with the cold coming down the valley off Hikurangi mountain, so it was very hard frosts that froze everything and snow on the hills. Lovely place though. Sounds like you are really having a heap of fun in your new garden. A lovely variety of plants too. I used to have a huge garden mostly deciduous but
I got flowers and the autumn leaves. The few sub tropicals I grew had to be under cover during winter, If we had a nice sunny day I would cart them out into the sun for the day. Those particular plants are now in the ground, thank goodness. They were getting too big to move.
I have been on here about six months now, so really pleased to trip over you. I think you will have a lot of fun browsing around, I know I do.I think there are only about 4 registered and about seven that aren't so I suppose it is a bit hit and miss, mostly miss. Well I hope we can keep in touch even if it's just for moral support. I grow orchids, epi cactus a few day lillies and a heap of stuff I dragged here from up the coast. Alas my section here is only the size of a pocket handkerchief, one thats shrunk. Have you been on the aussie forum, I use that
as my home base. Will catch up again. Lesley.

Gisborne, New Zealand

That was a real dumb question eh. I really meant do you use it or just roam around to see whats going on. Lesley.

Mike I just wanted to add that they like acid soil ...really good drainage and be careful re fertilizer the best ones grow in the wild and don't get any fertilizer just a bit of leaf mould/mulch. Good luck with your Warratahs ...you sound like you have a beautiful garden.As I once said to Awchid ...if I had to leave my beloved Australia ...my definate choice would be New Zealand.I think the World is beating a path to your door now ...it is no longer a secret New Zealand is beautiful.

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

So it seems waratahs are treated similar to proteas - don't bother them with fertiliser etc just let them do their thing.

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