Little snail question

Pittsburgh, PA

I placed my first online order for some plants. They are small pots, and I noticed one of them has some tiny snails in it. I expected potting mix without that kind of stuff. Am I overreacting to want a refund? Will it be okay to plant this in my yard? Any guidance would be helpful as I am new to all this.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd call the place you got them from and complain and see what they'll do about it. Reputable nurseries shouldn't be shipping pests along with their plants. As far as whether it's OK to plant in your yard it's hard to say for sure without knowing what kind of snails they are--if the nursery is from your area then they're probably the same sort of snails you already have, so I'd try and get rid of as many as possible but then you should be OK to plant them. But if it's from a different part of the country then I'd try to figure out what they are first, could be it's some snail that isn't in your area yet but could become a big pest if it's introduced.

Pittsburgh, PA

Thank you for the reality check. That is what I was thinking, too. I'll see what they say.

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