Garden Night Crawlers

Helena, MT

I knew a walleye fisherman in Kansas who told me a story once about establishing Canadian Night Crawlers in his yard. Each time he went fishing he deposited the left over crawlers in his yard and twenty years later he would water his lawn, and at night go out and collect the bait for his next fishing trip.

For three years I have been doing the same thing to my strawberry patch on the east side of the house. This year we transferred the strawberries to the garden where I have never seen a one single worm. In digging up the old strawberry patch to plant some goose berry bushes I found half a dozen large night crawlers and a few pieces that didn't get out of the way of my shovel.

The new garden strawberry patch will be receiving all the residual night crawlers in the future and maybe some day they will be established. Point is 'Build the field and they will come'.

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