Wisteria question.....

Mashpee, MA

I inherited a wisteria vine when I bought my house 5 years ago. It was intended for the deck trellis but we changed the deck and moved it to a trellis (morning to about 2 pm sun) 4 years ago where it has flourished as a green mass with no flowers. I started reading up on it and started pruning it hard last year. I went out in February and hacked it back again along the top half down to 3-4". It is just starting to show growth again (Cape Cod zone 7a) and I noticed yesterday that there are 5 very different buds on it. They are fat, oval shaped and sort of fuzzy n the tips. Can I actually be getting flowers? Does anybody have a pic of the emerging buds?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Could it be leaf buds instead? The Chinese and Japanese wisteria which are the ones more commonly found in gardens both bloom on old wood, so cutting it way back in February pretty much guarantees you won't get any flowers. I'm not sure about the American wisteria, maybe it blooms on new wood in which case it could be flowers if that's the wisteria you have.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

flower buds sorta look like a big grape sorta then they start filling out like a sweet pea and they are purplish color.

these are white but an idea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wisteria_floribunda1.jpg

Mashpee, MA

Thanks fro the link, Imzadi. The buds that I described are looking like the very beginnings of those pictured on the link. I'm pretty sure that this is an American wisteria as the former owner told me that he got as a cutting from a 200 year old plant in CT (he couldn't take it with him and pressed me to take care of it; only reason why I have hung in there as long as I have!)....although anything is possible. I have a friend whose elderly neighbor gives her very prolific vine a pruning in summer and in Feb. which is why I decided to try that. That being said, I am fearful that I have cut the buds off.....that totally makes sense, ecrane!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If it's the American wisteria you may be OK--they bloom at a slightly different time than the other wisteria and they can rebloom later in the year sometimes too, so I suspect that they may bloom on new wood, in which case cutting it back in Feb. wouldn't eliminate your flowers for the year.

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