Today's Weather in Your Garden - 19

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Good news, Celeste. Looks very swollen.

Celeste your done with the bad things as they happen in 3's. So your now officially DONE

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Celeste hoping for the best! some arnica should help... do you have any??? I have a roll on arnica... any bruise gets that!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

That looks painful. But glad they are checking further, as a few years ago, our DS walked around for a week after getting kicked blocking a punt and thought it was just sprained, but it was a fracture and it final broke big time. We should have insisted he get it x-rayed.

We finally got sun and 4 guys to help do the mulching and a truck of topsoil. They are going to put in proper fence posts for one run of deer fence. so I have to move some shrubs, but I am almost spent for today. I dug up a new bed at the end of the endless stream which was a nasty mess of old tangle at the edge of the woods. I dug out tons of clay and am having them fill it back up with the good stuff. That is where I am planting a J.Maple. All inspired by Victor. Back is killing me. But I am all smiles at having the help for today and tomorrow.

We also have two carpenters working on some rot in both the front steps and the east deck. It is going to be an expensive two days, but no lawsuits. And it is sunny and no wind. Patti

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds nice, Patti. It's worth the extra effort since they do need drainage. I'm having my patio done soon. Picked out the pavers. Will go right up to the pond and back to my walkway to the pool. They will do the walkway from the porch all the way down the steps up to the pool deck. I am talking to him about including a raised planter as well.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Celeste, I hope the xrays come out clean. Hugs to DS from me.

Beautiful day today. Wish the neighbor would stop weed-wacking so I can go to my hammock.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

The JMaple is planted as I decided to let them do it. It looks good. Can't wait for it to leaf out. Thanks Victor for the inspiration and thanks to the my DM for sending a little extra Xmas money my way for plants.

Victor, your plan sounds great. Pond to pool is a nice feature. Pond for the frogs and pool for the kids?

Sofonisba, Great Idea, I now want a hammock. I know I had one that our DS gave us from Ecuador when he lived there, but I haven't a clue where it is stored now that I have a perfect spot for it by the stream. I hope I can find it tomorrow. Too tired now. The stream is on the west side which is perfect for collapsing by in the afternoon. Gotta have a hammock.

I have taken a hot shower and given up for today, but I will get an early start in the morning moving shrubs and moving the old deer fence so we can put in the new posts. I have to have the old one up but in a different spot as they are sinking the new post almost in the same spot as the old fence, otherwise the rabbits and deer would devour my garden as it will take more than a day to get it all up. A rabbit got in last night and chomped on a few tulips and lilies however as we haid sprayed, it was mostly sampling. Found the hole and DH fixed it, I hope. Patti

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I would be lost without my hammock. I visit it daily.

Boy, those rabbits and deer don't waste a second!

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Celeste - That looks like what my mom threatened to do to me if she ever caught me hitch-hiking!!!

Enjoy the sun everybody!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

No they don't, Harper. Deer got some leaves off one of my JM's overnight. Lots of profanity launched this AM.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

The frost got some of the new growth on my JMs. I'd rather that than the deer.

South Hamilton, MA

Patti--your projects make me ache just reading about them. Getting grass & some weeds out of the iris beds this afternoon. Weeds are easier.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

awww Pixie give that little nub a kissy

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

6:30 and my mulch guys are still at it. I hope they can get it done by tomorrow and get those posts in too. I think I may have underestimated the work time. I can eat beans and rice for a couple of weeks. I ended up getting the very dark pine mulch rather than cedar. Just for a change. Patti

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, WC!

Celeste - glad it all went well. His hand does look sore.

Peter - too bad they don't make a tonic for the stressed gardener after a long day working outside!

Patti - houses are money pits as well as gardens. We ran into a clay barrier when we were planting a new JM last year. It was days of both of us taking turns digging. It's worth it but an awful lot of work.

Victor - be sure to take before, during and after photos for us!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 53.0°, Wind SW 0.0. ☺

variegated Solomon's Seal

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I weeded and mulched the garden to the left of my stone steps. Dug out some more sod in the new garden space and laid down 2 bales of straw paths today between clients. Patti, I hope you are also taking before and after pics. Lots of changes there.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Boojum, I haven't taken as many as I should as the weather has not, until today, been inspiring. Today I got swept up in the work and didn't take many. But I will. Seeing it in person is way better. Hint, Hint. But mine is still modest in comparison to your garden. I am wondering if your new garden space is for more iris or what?

I may get a peek next weekend if you are around. Heading north on Thurs until Tue. Just trying to figure out how to get everything done I want to while up north, as that garden is a mess. Friends from NYC were up using the house last week and said the house was fine, but no comments about the garden, which is a bad sign. I plan on digging up some stuff to drag back to Nantucket, ironically some of it are plants that I once first grew on Nantucket, took north, and now I want some of it back. Fickle me. Patti

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Patti, come along! I'll be here for sure Saturday.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

The sun is out again, so I am doing the happy dance and heading out in a few minutes to start moving the old deer fence so we can put in the new one. I need to get a jump work before my mulch helpers arrive. They stayed until nearing dark last night. It is starting to look great. I will take pictures.

42 and sunny and clear, and it is going up to near 60. Perfect day for working outside. Have a great one all. Patti

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

great day to finish the containers.
53* now with a hi of 67.
I'm so happy.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

48 and clear skies here.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

51, sunny, looking forward to 70 degrees and lots of work today.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Finally, pirl, we seem to be getting the same kind of weather!
I took little Miss "M" to the park yesterday rather than spend time in the gardens. I feel like I came out on the best end of that deal. We had so much fun - and she ran and ran and ran!! I taught her how to throw stones into the river. I think we played that game for a very long 20 minutes.

For those of you in my area ... it was the Ashuelot Park we visited yesterday. The daffodills are gorgeous there. Not much more is in bloom, though.

Today's Weather
Clear skies with some nice warning sun
56° on its way to a possible 74°
Wind: Veriable at 3 MPH
Humidity: 48%
Dewpoint: 41°
Pressure: 29.97 in. and steady
No Frost Tonight!!

Normal High: 66°
Normal Low: 39°
Record High: 88° in 1930
Record Low: 26° in 1961

Sunrise: 5:32 am
Sunset: 7:53 pm
Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:31 am
Sunset Tomorrow: 7:54 pm

Moonrise: 5:48 am
Moonset: 10:02 pm
Moonrise Tomorrow: 6:41 am
Moonset Tomorrow: 11:14 pm
Next New Moon: Tuesday, June 02, 2008
Next Full Moon: Monday, May 18, 2008

Today's Moon: new moon, waxing
Tomorrow's Moon: new moon, waxing

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

75 and gorgeous. Nice cool breeze. Hot when working in the sun though. I prefer 50-65 for working.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

75 and gorgeous here too. Looking forward to your pics Patti.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Me too! Me too!

South Hamilton, MA

Almost too hot! I had to come inside for a bit as I could feel my brains crawling around inside even though I wasw wearing a hat. Ready to go out again.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, we were up to 80 before the clouds and some sprinkles arrived about an hour ago.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

We are at 73 degrees right now, with the clouds coming in.
Looks like a few sprinkles in the offing.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

gorgeous... but I was working all day!


Great growing day. I have to be careful not to forget that full moon yet to appear with its impending threat of frost in our area. I'm setting some things out but keeping them in the patio arena where blankets can be used to get through another frost. I see a lot of trusting souls planting tender flowers. It's just two or three weeks early North of Route 80 in Pennsylvania. Anything but cole plants, onions, lettuce, peas, the spuds, spinach and such are stictly a gamble unless you have covers ready. I guarentee one year out of four a frost around the full moon. Wall of water will get most gamblers through the nights to follow. Half gallon milk jugs makes a decent wall of water.

I like to watch the big truck farmers planting corn. Corn takes about two weeks to germ and emerge. They are planting every three or four days to have a chance at being the earliest with the early sweet corn.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear there are farmers who are actually still growing corn for eating!!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Sorry guys, no pictures today. Too much work. Just crawled in. But it was a truly perfect day weather wise.

We got the old deer fence down, and DH got a new roll of 7 1/2 ft fence as well as 3 rolls of 3', coated chicken wire, for all those tall bunnies who keep chewing through the deer fence. Taking down the fence was an effort and then the fence guy didn't show up until very late with the wrong 8' long posts instead of 10' 4"x4" cedar post that we ordered. Useless, plus no one was here that really knew what to do. So DH and I and one guy put back in some of the old posts and rolled out the new fencing and chicken wire to do a temporary job until the morning when we will get it done right. We only have to mulch a small bed in the dell and the rest of the two big beds that the new fence runs through and then it is a TaDa moment. Can't wait.

Carpenters finished the new steps so I can do a dump run tomorrow to get rid of the debris and be down to only one item on my spring vision list that is still not completed. That list is known by us as the "Victor List" for his encouragement and thread that got me making a serious list of objectives for the garden. I still need to get DH to move an old much loved, but not used motor boat to a less visible spot. I think he will do it next week or.............., or at least I hope so. I am going outside to check for invading bunnies. DH sprayed again today, just in case. I will get some Milorganite when I am in NH next week to use around the perimeter as I see others do. Patti

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)

Doc, I've started quite a few more tomato plants than I need, some to give away, some for "early trials." Today I couldn't resist putting two out in walls o water. Why not?

Interesting what you say about full moon = late frost. I'll keep that in mind.


Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

We have lots of farmers growing corn in the remaining fields that don't sprout houses, Victor. Very often, the farmers lease the fields from others to grow their crops. I love to watch the progress of the plants as I make my way to the Rt. 9 corridor. My parents always used to say, "Knee high by the 4th of July" for the corn stalks.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Most large corn growers are selling it for the ethanol boondoggle.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

What a mess.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Well, my my my! Look who showed up at the feeder today.
I call this one ...
"Whadya lookin' at?"

Thumbnail by Candyce
Thomaston, CT

Sorry to hear about your DS, Pix----hope all is well--my DH fell at our DS's house 2 weeks ago, & pulled me down--he has cracked ribs--I was lucky! Now I just listen to crab, crab! But since I'm mostly babysitting, I do escape. Gorgeous today, but I was with the girls as Grant is still at UCONN. He is doing very well--should be home soon! As far as full moon & frost--I've noticed they do go together, but I hope we've had it with frost. My son's FIL was checking his yellow magnolia today--most blossoms froze out as it went to 24 degrees at his farm last week.

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