Today's Weather in Your Garden - 19

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Cold, damp and not the best day to be working outside, but I did run in and out all day trying to plant, weed and replaced missing tags. I never use to have any tags in my garden, but I have joined the ranks of the taggers. I even use spray paint.

I met with the mowing guy and hashed out the fence post placement and mulching strategy. I am going to have them crank up another big cedar. We tried to do it a few days ago with the pickup, but we could barely budge it. They will bring in the bobcat. Whoopee.

Now I have to figure out how I am going to get to hire our carpenter to build a real gate this year. He is coming to fix some steps and part of the deck which has to be done. I fell through one step the day before we left for our trip and almost broke by foot. I am still bruised. I need pennies from heaven to do any more. Plus we are now realizing that it is almost time to get the roof shingled. I think we will be eating my plants as that is a huge expense. I hope we can put it off for a couple more years.

Getting ready to watch the derby pre-show to pick my horse. But I have to jump in the shower as I now have the chills. Patti

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

It was in the 50's today and I did alot of work outside. No sun, but no rain. Planted alot of my wintersown plants. Zinnias and rudbeckia. I did the cosmos and larkspur last weekend. Fertilized my bulbs.

The weather looks good for the upcoming week...

Sunday...Mostly cloudy with showers with isolated thunderstorms in the morning...Then partly sunny with a slight chance of showers in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 60s. East winds 5 to 10 mph... Becoming west in the afternoon. Chance of rain 80 percent.

Monday...Sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph... Becoming west in the afternoon.

Tuesday...Sunny. Highs in the upper 60s.

Wednesday...Partly sunny with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the upper 60s. Chance of rain 40 percent.

Thursday...Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid 60s.

Friday...Mostly cloudy in the morning...Then becoming partly sunny. A 30 percent chance of showers. Highs in the upper 60s.

Saturday...Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Down right cold here. Damp and dreary at only 38 degrees. Never really got much higher than 40 all day. Hoping for a bit more warm tomorrow, not expecting any sun though. Everything is wet and squishy now. Brrrr.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I spent the day at my sister's, helping her get her garden ready for the wedding. It was a glorious day, sunny, warm, and breezy. Nice spending a whole day with your sister.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

I agree deb. I wish my sister lived closer so that we could share days like you describe. My sister lives in FL but will be here on May 16th for my son's graduation. Hope the weather warms up or she may not de-plane!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

When is the wedding, Deb?

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

July 12th. We're trying to get as many red flowers in bloom as we can. Today was a lot of digging up, and cleaning up. She lives in Canastota, just east of Syracuse.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, I remember the red flowers. That's the date of my annual stickball game in Queens.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Her back yard is beautiful, wish I had taken my camera. We saw a turkey, a hawk, a vulture, 2 ducks flew in and landed on her pond. And bluebirds, goldfinch, chickadees, swallows, wren, red winged blackbirds, cardinals. Maybe more. She has a lot of property, and is surrounded by woods on 3 sides, part of which they own.

South Hamilton, MA

Cold & drizzle. First iris SDB bloomed today--'Reddy Set'--red amoena. I don't think we had as many daff stalks this yr.--plants seemed to be leaves instead, not just where they had been growing for the lonest time. Cold damage?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I noticed the same thing here, lots of healthy leaves not as many flowers as usual. Some bunches had no bloom at all. I think it was the drought last summer and fall. Good foliage this year will insure healthy bulbs and more flowers next year I hope. Could have been the unusually warm temps cut the blooms short too. Hope for better next year.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Funny I had more daffodil blooms this year! What a difference east and west can make in the same state.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I don't know, irisMA. Our daffs are doing fabulously this year. But, I've noticed that one of the tulips varieties that we've had for a couple of years just doesn't have any buds on it this year.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I reported earlier that I had some clumps of daffs with just foliage.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I did too. I've given them all fertilizer, so let's see the difference next year. They are supposed to get another helping in the fall.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

My old narcissus clumps are blooming their little hearts out this spring, so no complaints by me. Here is an old patch of NOID on the North side of the house that I have had since the late 80's. Never nicer, I just wish the weather was nicer to enjoy them. I am still cold from my work outside today. Red Sox are winning so that warms my heart. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Nice NOID's!

(Zone 4a)

I too have noticed some of my clumps of daffs are only showing leaves and nothing else????? What is up with that??? So far I only have 1 daff blooming!!! Ugh!! Gardening is great but can be so frustrating at the same time!!

Nothing else is blooming in my garden as of yet but I did put in my new clematis this past Friday!!! She will be happy in her new home!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I found that all my white daffys bloomed like crazy, but the yellow ones, not so great.

South Hamilton, MA

An area of mixed daffs could be too crowded here, but the 'Jack Snipes' should have had more bloomstalks. Gentle Giant was fine, but might have been better protected because of old tree leaves.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Not inspired by the 45 cloudy day that is blowing about 20mph with rain threatening on and off all day. Too much to do to have this crummy weather I hate working out in the wind. Drat. But I feel guilty about all my narcissus being so happy. I can report that Obdam and Ice King are pretty, but very weak stemmed and Extravaganza is too droopy.

I looked for pictures from last year to compare. I think the bloom count is similar, but the picture of the narcissus, which have naturalized in in the yard since the 80's is different in that the top picture was taken on May 8th in 2007 while the bottom one was taken on April 30th in 2008, as is the the comparison of the tulip count. Therefore we are more than a week early this year. I started checking and it seems true across the board.

I planted almost all the tulips pictured in the fall of 2006 so they have come back extremely well as I didn't add any of more to these last fall. ( Juan, Come Back, Red Impression, Banja Luka, Daydream and hoping it wouldn't return as I didn't like it, but it did, El Cid ) But I did pop in a few new kids elsewhere. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Good morning to you, Patti ... (and anyone else who's online at this time).

That's a great side by side photo. I can't wait for the rain to stop so that I can give my camera a work out, but it looks as though it will be raining off and on all day long. It's kinda raw, too. Not very comfortable when the dampness seems to reach right down to your bones.

But, here's the weather situation for me:
41° outside in the tulip bed and beyond
Wind: 0 MPH
Humidity: 93%
Dewpoint: 41°
Pressure: 30.02 in. and steady right now

Normal High: 65° (I don't think it will even reach 50 today)
Normal Low: 38°
Record High: 92° in 1944
Record Low: 22° in 1946

Sunrise: 5:35 am
Sunset: 7:50 pm
Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:34 am
Sunset Tomorrow: 7:52 pm

Moonrise: 4:36 am
Moonset: 7:17 pm
Moonrise Tomorrow: 5:08 am
Moonset Tomorrow: 8:41 pm

Next New Moon: Monday, May 04, 2008
Next Full Moon: Tuesday, May 19, 2008
Today's Moon: crescent, waning
Tomorrow's Moon: new moon, waxing

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)

there's a rumor going 'round that we might get a glint of sunlight today up here the Hudson Valley. Fingers crossed...

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

We got 1/2" of rain last night, cloudy now, sun supposed to show this afternoon.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I decided to google the issue of non-blooming daffs - .

Not a gardening day here. Cold and wet. I was going to go with my neighbor to Bloomin' Haus, but they tend to be swampy in wet weather. I might hit Hicks on my way into to see the girls

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Anita - #13 on that list was funny!

Maybe the use of nitrogen on lawns affects the daffodils by giving them much more than they need. Many people have daff's planted in lawn areas or at the edge of a lawn in a garden bed and the spreaders aren't selective as to how far the food is spread.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

53 and overcast. Supposedly sunny later. Thanks Anita. However, none of them would apply here.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

57, foggy and wet.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

No gardening at all this week. Help!!!!! People are coming for a tips on photos in the garden workshop in 2 weeks!! Hopefully my tips will compensate for the garden!

South Hamilton, MA

I suppose some of the daffs do need dividing. However 'do not water until fall'. Who's going to turn off the rain, like now as iris pollen is getting wet.

Damp, wet, RAW, dismal, cloudy. My green house needs sun. Where is James Bond - I am sure he can fix this situation.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Hooray! The sun came out for a few minutes! It's 60 here and there is hope for at least a little time outside, if only for a walk.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sun's breaking out! 61 degrees.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 58.6°, Wind N 8.6 mph. ☺

-still overcast but the heat of the sun is coming through the clouds.

Dawn Redwood 24".

Thumbnail by WaterCan2

Send it my way NOW..... :-)


1PM Sunday and 70 degrees. That's more the way I like it for this time of year. The gamble tomato bit the dust. Today I gambled again. :) Might make it this time. :)

My Plumeria Gallery shipment of Coleus is on the way. Me thinks the temporary cold frame will be host to them while the weather desides what it is going to do. I'd hate to stick my neck out with them as of this moment.

My 2008 offering to the Gods of the Great Pumpkin is in the garden cold frame just starting to grow. The genetics are choice with the potential to pop a really big one. Join my pumpkins fan club. We will name her by your suggestions as she does her thing. You can follow this year's plant in my circus center ring by following my Blog here on DG. Some other pix of my goings on will be mixed in as the season moves into more like gardening time. The temperature is just right at 90 degrees in the Pumpkin Cold Frame.
It's all in the hands of my tinkering and the weather from here on. This year we gave the plant 800 square feet. We hope for female bloom to show by late June. The whole supporting vine must be in place by early July. Then we will select and grow one fruit to the best this season has to offer baring some stupiditis on my part. Ladies and Gentlemen. Children of all ages. The Great Pumpkin in center ring is about to begin.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Good luck, Dwaine!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

It's 48, with down pours at random, cold and planting today for me. These guys didn't mind the weather....

Thumbnail by pixie62560

Sun is trying to play peek a boo, so that is headed your way Celeste.

South Hamilton, MA

Rain has stopped but still feels damp & cold, even inside.

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