Today's Weather in Your Garden - 19

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

You can find sympaty here.
I am so sorry to hear about your pet.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

That is such heartbreaking news. Please know that I will be thinking of you often.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

We have a frost advisory tonight - that's good news that a frost is a big deal now.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks ge and boo. I have suddenly developed a new attitude. Too bad it took the loss of one leg and some years of my dog's life, but no more workaholic for me. If he has only one year left, it will be his best ever. He'll go to the beach and the park and I will not do the overtime. Didn't get paid for it anyway as I'm salaried. And my words to anyone else that has the workaholic syndrome..The heck with it, you'll never get it back. still raining here...outside.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Dexter, Louise. You've got the right attitude. Enjoy your time with Dexter.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that about your dog Venu.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, so sorry to hear this, Weeze. How terrible. How old is he?

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I'm sorry about your dog's leg, Louise. Your attitude is admirable. I have adjusted mine a few years ago when I realized I was focusing on the wrong things - mostly for vanity. Enjoy the company of your little friend! - Lynn

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)

Our dogs are our prides and joy. Yours is so lucky he has such a wonderful family as yours.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes he is. All our pets are our family. I had to put down my cat a few years back (Crash's brother) and I was terrible.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

so sorry to hear about your baby Venu..... hope you get to spend a long time together... prayers going out to you

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone...this is why I say the NE forum rocks....we laugh together and hold each other up in bad times in the internet kind of way.
Victor, He's only turning 7 this year which is even more distressing for me. My last Lab was only 6 when epilepsy took him away. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't own a Lab, it's the kiss of death for the dog.
Thank you Pirl, Onewish, WC, Daisy, Mama. He's my heartdog and always will be. But Lynn, he's not a little friend, he's 80 pounds of "I love youuuuu"

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That's even harder, Weeze. My cat was only 7.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

That's so funny! I love the personalities of our furry companions. All the best.

Thomaston, CT

So sorry, Louise---my dogs are my babies, & I love them to pieces----you're right to give Dexter your time--you'll never regret it! When the vet told us we had 2 weeks left with our wolfhound, we took her every day to her fav hiking places. Today I spent an hour holding Grant--my DIL took some pics--I will post them soon. It was a rainy, cold day--46 now---my sprouts are tiny, I have annuals waiting to be planted, but 31 years ago today, we had snow in CT--my geraniums all had little white caps--so rain is cert. better---Al---sorry about the frost--May should be the "Queen" of months!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wonderful for you, Robin. It must have been very special to hold him.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I'm so sorry to hear about Dexter, Venu, and I know exactly how you feel. I have learned from our last year with our Molly that you might be surprised at how long you will have him. A year ago this week we thought we were losing Molly for sure with the tumor in her spinal chord. Here we are one year later, and bless her, our sweet little trooper is still hanging in and enjoying life. She will be 15 next week. I will keep you and Dexter in my prayers. It is so hard when our fur babies are ill.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

A number of our forum members dealing with sick animals - Debbie (rcn) has had a tough time lately too.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 48.5°, Wind NE 15.0 mph, Windchill 34.0°. ☺

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

46.9, WC 46, Winds 12 mph. Dark.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm guessing that darkness will persist all night. Some scattered light about 6 AM.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You should be a forecaster in your spare time. You're amazing!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

You'll be seeing some scattered light before then if you don't duck when pirl throws her frying pan at you Victor! Hee hee!! ☺

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much Robin for your good thoughts. I know a dog does not really compare to a human baby(my nephew was hospitilazed a month ago) I freaked~!!
Louise- I sincerely hope I end up with much more time than the prognosis.I had planned on 15 years. I did NOT appreciate the one year timeline...but kudos to you and Molly. We should never lose our buddies too soon. _Louise That's always a giggle.(the same name thing)

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'd be happy to have Pirl and Victor throw a frying pan at me at the same time.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Venu209 and Dexter, I am so sad to read about the big pothole in your road of life together. DH and I and our gals are in Vt for a few days and I, like all of us with pets, can't imagine a day without them. I have lost so many special 4 legged pals during my life, and I always feel absolutely positive that none could ever be replaced. Yet there always is, after a time, another special tail wagger to make me happy. The joys and memories of them all mark my life more than any calendar. Enjoy your Dexter and give him pats from me.

I had a great, long, but dry day in the Vt garden with lots of cleaning up, raking, pruning and mowing. I am bone tired, but pleased with all the work we got done. Never did rain here, all south of RT 9 so I assume Boojum got rain. Nantucket got tons from what I hear. I need another day to edge and do some divisions and planting. I will get to some nurseries in the next few days. Can't wait. I am not working in the a garden tomorrow. I need a break. Red Trilliums are up.

Dial up sucks. I can't keep up when I am in Vt. Patti

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Venu, so sorry to hear about your dog, we had to put our dog down when she was 9 and that was the WORST. It's been 5 years and I still miss her terribly. But at least it taught you that work isn't everything. I realized that 7 years ago when I quit my retail management job. Told myself, this is not brain surgery, why am I stressing so much over selling more jeans than I did the year before.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Good morning everybody
47* some clouds some sun predicted.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am fighting the urge to put the heat on in the house

Currently At 6:26AM
Winds: CLM
at 0mph
Humidity: 92%
Dew Point: 44° F
Pressure: 29.71 in
Visibility: 9 Miles

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

mee toooo.
the house is 64* out doors is 46*. I fleece myself for a few hours until the sun warms things up.
This time of year there is somewhat of a guarantee of that happening.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Louise (venu):

So sorry about Dexter. I DO like your attitude about his state of health and what you plan to do to make his last year the best one ever. You are so right about us workaholics! I used to be one, and now, I am not. It's a difficult habit to break, too. But I know you will give Dexter all the love and care and attention he will need and crave.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

50 degrees now and going up to 62 with a 20% chance of rain this afternoon.

It's light out, Victor! Your prediction was right.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

The weather gods have decided to smile on us today. We were supposed to get rain, but the day will be just partly colder, albeit cool.

Wind: NE at 14 MPH
Humidity: 60%
Dewpoint: 38°
Pressure: 29.69 in. and rising

And the Almanac says:
Normal High: 68°
Normal Low: 40°
Record High: 95° in 1880
Record Low: 21° in 1947

Sunrise: 5:27 am
Sunset: 7:57 pm
Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:26 am
Sunset Tomorrow: 7:58 pm

Moonrise: 10:17 am
Moonset: 12:57 am
Moonrise Tomorrow: 11:32 am
Moonset Tomorrow: 1:31 am

Next New Moon: Tuesday, June 02, 2008
Next Full Moon: Monday, May 18, 2008
Today's Moon: crescent, waxing
Tomorrow's Moon: crescent, waxing

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Victor is always the best prognosticator of all things important.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

"The sun will come out, tomorrow."

Venu, so sorry about your sad news. He knows you have loved him all along, whether you were busy or not! He will continue to return that love ten fold cuz that's just what they do.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Overcast, damp raw with a pretty good breeze. Only 42 degrees but we may see some clearing this afternoon. On the plus side all the oaks have leaves again. Yeah! Hate that dead brown foliage all winter, sure is good to see green. Bugs are also back however and I have been finding those little green inch worms on several plants, mostly roses. I suspect the winter moth but not sure. I guess if we want sunny and warm the bugs have to come too. To all you mothers out there have a great day tomorrow. :)

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Speaking of bugs-I got killed by blackflies this week while ripping sod. I tried not to itch for 2 days of hell. And then on top of that, I found a tick on me and it was smaller than usual (deer tick? Lyme disease type?). Luckily, I found it about 12 hours after playing in the sod. They hafta be embedded for over 24 hours to get Lyme disease, the doctor said. May and September are the worst months for ticks (what do they do in between? Lay eggs?) so beware!!!

Thomaston, CT

I've only been a member of this site since Dec., but I feel I know & love you all. To all who have prayed for my grandson,& sent along all good wishes, I can't thank you enough--here is the pic I promised--meet Grant Douglas--I think he's cute---looks just like my son who grew to be very handsome--& nice, which is the really important part!

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

What a beautiful, and handsome, young man, ROBIN! You must be so proud!

I've only been a member since February and I feel the same as you about the people I've been meeting here.

All the best to the little guy and his family.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

AWWWW. He's stolen my heart!

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