Help Needed with making muliple plants from one

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi All,

ANY idea's that can help me take off the two new ones growing out at the sides.

Are the long stick things.....roots?

There is also a smaller one up a bit but I need to know how to do it?



Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi, I believe the long stick things are aerial roots.
You can treat this plant like most other succulents and cut it, let them dry in the shade a few days and replant in moist soil. They should root in 2-4 weeks, then treat them just like any other succulent. That one looks as though its a kalanchoe. I think you can grow new ones from the leaves. Maybe you can try that too. Just pick off a leaf as close to the stem as you can and lay it on damp sand. leave it in the shade, but don't water it and see if it produces a new tiny plant on the cut edge. I think they also produce little plantlets on the outer edge of the leaf.
Correct me if I'm wrong you lurkers!

Perth, Australia

Sue you're right.....
It's a kalanchoe, i have a similar one and they're very fussy... if the area I get them growing is sunny I have to give them some water to go with. like one hour sun equals one water mist if you get my meaning. But I used to have one growing in a hanging basket, sold to someone at a fete but before I gave it away it'd dropped a lot of leaves into my garden, and they're flourishing where they are. So I guess they can be made hardy.
As far as I know with Kalanchoes, I just leave the leaf on top of the soil/pot and it'll just grow its red roots and dig all by itself.
Sue's right in that you don't water the leaf at first, it has to grow its roots first. and when you see the roots digging then you can start watering it like you would any other succulent.

Thumbnail by Jensilaedi
Perth, Australia

oh that picture... I put that in there by mistake it's a bird of paradise which most of you prolly already know.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Thanks Guys for all your help.

I will do it today and keep a weekly Journal update with a pic, if I can work out how that journals works. I have tried to.

Again, Thanks


I had 3 P.O.P but only one lived????
They are supposed to be hardy I was told. Oh, well.

Your mate,


Bendigo, Australia

Hi Debi, I believe your plant is Kalanchoe Fedtschenkoi notes on growing situation" In warm frost-free climates, Kalanchoe species can be grown outdoors in a sunny sheltered position. Elsewhere, the smaller species and cultivars can be grown in a greenhouse or indoors. Plant in light, gritty, free-draining soil. They will require some water during the growing season, but should be kept relatively dry during winter. Propagate from stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, or seed, or by removing plantlets.

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