Lighting question for indoor tomato garden

Dover, NJ

Hello all,

I've been reading some info on hydroponics, and I was wondering what type of lights would be needed for a small indoor tomato garden. I would be using 5 gallon grow bags with perlite as the growing medium, and a drip system for nutrient delivery. I'd like to be able to produce 1 to 2 pounds of tomatoes daily, year round. Would I need the 1000 watt lamps or would 400 watt lamps be sufficient? I would probably mount them on a linear motion rack overhead. Any idea of how many plants I would need? Best varieties?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)


Go to for some grow bag questions. They seem to be experts at it. If you call them with a question, the owner gets back to you fast. Their hydroponic nutrients seem to be priced right. I am waiting for my first delivery from them for 5# of nutrients and 10 grow bags with cocconut coir in them ready to go as the medium. But I am going to grow them outdoors.


This is the current hydroponic system I am using(

Thumbnail by BocaBob

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