Gloriosa Lily seeds are UP

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

....and going to pot them into bigger pots tomorrow. Thanks Jen!!!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Lucky you!!! I haven't even got mine planted yet. Is it too late? Hopefully not.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Glad they sprouted for you Carol, they should look really full and pretty in your amazing jungle! When are you planning on island hopping over to Maui next? Mango season is going to be here soon - load of figs at the moment, and just made a ton of grenadine syrup this afternoon after we chopped one of the pomegranite trees down for the new wall...

Hi-ya Jeanne!



Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OH...Shirley Temples at the ready!!!

Jen...going in for back surgery in 3 weeks...going to be laid low for a while... Actually, from what i have heard from others who have had it...the recovery time is shortened by the more you walk and DO...and being a DOer...I may be OK real soon. 3 months before I can lift anything.... What IF - I paid you to ship mangos to me. OH, and Jennifer in Haiku would LOVE to know when they are ready and she will make it over for them... Maybe she could pick them up for me and ship them over here.....


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

You got it kiddo! Will let Jennifer know as soon as I start pickin' ! Would be happy to send you some if there are any planes flying by then! Costco sold out of all flour and rice today, the restaurants are stocking up against food shortages with Aloha cargo going out of service....It will be interesting to see what is in the store tomorrow morning when we go shopping.

Sorry to hear about the surgery, from what I understand any back surgery is a beast. Hopefully it will sort out the problem and you will be able to be painfree again. It shows how serious the surgery is when there is a three month no lift rule. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help....Are you being flown to Oahu for the surgery? I will be thinking of you,



Keaau, HI(Zone 11) to Oahu.

They were selling out of rice here last week after the news on TV...people with carts full of 50 and 25 bags of rice.... Officials tell us there is plenty rice in the islands. I am not worried...we have stores...and don't eat that much rice, anyway!!! It is mostly the older generation that cannot eat without rice...sad. Tradition rules!!!

Everything can ONLY get tighter: higher fuel prices mean higher food prices. we have a good backlog of food for emergencies...a good vegie garden, we trade fruit for fresh farm eggs... If Hawaii doesn't get with a program we are going to lose tourism because the prices for everyting are going to be skyhigh!!! Everytime i go to the store I see things up by at least $1...nothing about 10 or 20 cents. it is really scary.

Well...another page in the book of life. We will deal with it.... right, jen?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Goodness me, girls. I have a veggie garden going. No way I ever entertained the idea that Paradise would be in trouble. Jen, Randy brought us a papaya tree last weekend. No idea if I can keep it alive but will certainly give it a try. Mitch came with a banana species that is supposed to be hardy in our area. Another hope so.
Talked to Carol on the phone yesterday and am also considering surgery as I watch how she recovers. I expect she will be more than successful as her attitude is superb. Am working on the most positive attitude ever. From all of the physical labor I have done in the last several one would ever believe I have back troubles.

One more time both of you----our visit to the islands cannot be compared to anything else. I have ceased to comment because others were getting a little testy.
Bless all of you for your super hospitality.

Mahalo, Aloha,

Christi and Mike

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah, and I'm one of the testy ones! Grrrrrr ... still pouting that I didn't get to come along!
Course, I'm still waiting for more pics!

Aloha my friends! Carol, how ya feeling? Hope you are not in too terribly much pain as you await the surgery, be a good girl and do what the docs tell you. Jenny - your fruit all sounds wonderful - except for the figs - not crazy about them, but wowzers! the rest!!!

Christi - my Mom was telling me that they are having the rice etc. problems down in Brownsville. The HEB was out of rice completely last time she went. Have you noticed it in your area? I NEED to start paying attention. When I go shopping, I just put what I want in the cart...I don't even look at the prices very often. So I don't know if our staples have gone up lately or not...I should check.

Be good ya'll - (and if you're not gonna be good, at least have fun!)

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Shari...I am noticing the prices about a dollar higher for everything everyttime I shop!!!!

Eating less and enjoying it more!

Went for Acupuncture balance my 'energy', increase immune systems yadda yadda and feel wonderful....and....walked in racked with pain and came out pain free!!! YES!!! This guy is good! Still going for the knife...I just want all my systems in primo tuning the engine and changing all the fluids before a long road trip!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So good to hear that you are "tuning the engine". I am always pleased when people I know have success with "alternative" remedies. More and more accredited hospitals are looking at the efficacy of the old traditional medicines and realizing that maybe the way the West "pratices" medicine may not be the only way to go. Do any of you watch "House"? I love the show, but there is no way in HELL I would ever go to that hospital, ya know??? Go in for a UTI and come out (if at all) minus a limb or two and owing gazillions of $$$ for all the tests!! One of my medical friends wrote down all the tests done on one episode and then figured out the average costs for them...that patient (don't remember which one), would have paid around $740,000 for the privilege of having House as a doc! My goodness...guess I got a little OT here didn't I? Well, you are probably all off doing Friday night activities anyway, and I am just waiting for my shift at the library to start....

Sending lots of "balancing" vibes your way my friend.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks, Love...

Doing all I can here, too!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

With my new puppy, Chester sleeping in my lap, I am feeling pretty balanced. hahaha Glad the acupuncture helped. My spinal doc also practices "a". Might talk to him about it for myself. Our son has been having monthly treatments with "a" for about 2 years. Swears by it. Mentally by your side, Carol.

Mike buys all the groceries and usually is not aware of price. Even he is complaining. The little veggie garden is already helping with green salad as he thinks we can't eat any meal without a salad. And this is good enough for breakfast. Have a dozen buttercrunch lettuce plus chard plus mesculun. The buttercrunch is in the grocers for $6.00. I cut the top of these and in about 4 days I have another lettuce. Gave less than a $1.00 for the starts. Soon to have banana and bell peppers. Oh how I wish I were going to banana bananas.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


It's 5am, I have my cup of tea, and I am peeking in to see what I have missed before I go to work this morning!

I am so glad you got some relief from the acupuncture Carol, when are you scheduled for surgery? Around the middle of May? All good, healing thoughts will be sent your way....

Christi, how very nice to grow all those veggies! I have horrible luck with veggie growing here, what the slugs don't get, the fruit flies zap. We have managed to grow chard and squash, but have had no luck at all with tomatoes...except the local wild ones that are all over the place. Locally all our veggies are grown up country - that should tell me something!

Since Aloha airlines went bankrupt we have been having some worries about getting fresh produce here since they were responsible for bringing 85% of "delicate" stuff to the outer islands. They also brought the mail in from Honolulu....mail has been very slow....there must be a huge backlog somewhere! From what I understand, other companies want to take over the service but they don't have the right sort of cargo planes to do the job, but they are sorting that all out now.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jen...try growing the tomatoes upside down and hang them under the eaves on your lanai: the rain doesn't get them and the bugs don't get them!!!! I am starting to hang Fruit Fly traps in the Guava Trees....they decimate the guava crop!!!! You can get the Lure easily and make your own traps OMG they smell horrible....but it keeps the crop whole!!!

If you want...send me your phone a Dmail...I will call you.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Carol - thanks for the info, it's so nice to have my own personal master gardener to turn to...
Will D-mail my #. This gardening in Hawaii is a whole different ball game for me!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You BET it is different....and I am learning every day.....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

As we all are.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jen is that a cell phone? Do you have it at work?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Carol, no it's the home line...Only Frank carries a cell phone. I won't be home until after 6pm this evening....^_^

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Lordy, lordy, the sirens are blaring on this Saturday night.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

More tornados????

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Probably. That's really the only time the sirens go off. In small towns the exception is tests and alerting all local firefighters to the fact they are needed at the station ASAP.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

No, sorry to mislead. We are fairly close to a major artery that leads to the interstate so the emergency vehicles use this for the most direct route. Saturday night is prime time. Another "fun" thing that you no longer have to experience, Shari.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I remember when I moved from sleepy Spain with my (now 38) 4 !/2 year old son. We had to stay in New York City for a week and in a hotel downtown. He was TERRIFIED of the sirens all day and all night. It was incredible!!!! He was also terrified of Policemen!!!! See what living in a military dictatorship can do? HA HA HA!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You have a really quiet life, Carol. We live close enough to 35E to hear the highway always. Summer is not as bad as all the vegetation helps.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

When we first got back to the States after living in Saudi Arabia with the prayer calls 5 (or was it 6?) times a day/night, it seemed like Colorado was very quiet. Then we started noticing the gunshots at all hours of the night. We lived right downtown, and there was a lot of gang "posing" - not a lot of injuries or fatalities, just a lot of noise - sirens, shouts and shots. Then we bought our house in Park Hill, and JB said he couldn't sleep - it was too quiet! Ha Ha.... now its so quiet, that if people are walking home from a party or a dinner with friends, you can hear them talking down on the street! Funny what you can get used to.

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