Another Senior Moment

Pioneer, CA

Well, "they" say the mind is the first to go, and I think mine went. I was preparing the rows for my pole beans and put the wrong fertilizer in one of them. I have been buying from Gardens Alive and use both the roses alive and vegetables alive, I put roses alive on one of the rows and I wonder what I should do (if anything). I won't be planting the seeds for about another two weeks. At planting time I'll add a bunch of compost and I already mixed in some horse manure and peat. Do you think I'll have too much nitrogen? All vines and no beans? Darn!!!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I've always suspected that one fertilizer is actually pretty close to another. I'm so disorganized that, at the end of the season, I just throw whatever I have left on the garden. And, well, I still get tomatoes from the tomato plants & blooms from the zinnias.

You can be a test case!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd go look at the container of the stuff you used and the one of the stuff you were supposed to use and see how different the N/P/K values are. Since you have to fertilizer your plants multiple times per season I doubt if it'll cause a huge problem in the long run. Also most organic ferts have pretty low levels of N/P/K relative to the synthetics so I really doubt you have anything to worry about.

Pioneer, CA

Summerkid,whatever happens, it's good to know I'll still have beans and not roses. LOL

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Agree with summerkid. Read the labels on the two bags and see how they vary. If anything, I would expect more beans and less vine with the rose fertilizer. I'm assuming the rose mix has more phosphorus to stimulate blooming. More bean blossoms means more beans. :D yummy!

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